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Walking into the courthouse I breathed in relief that Des was by my side. She had experience with this kind of stuff considering her dad was a lawyer. I, on the other hand, had no idea what the hell I was doing. Des waited in line behind me at the entrance because we had to go through metal detectors to get into the building. I placed my bag down on the conveyor belt so the guards could check it. After they scanned my body with the metal detector wand, I collected my things and shuffled back over to Destinee.

"What do I do now?" I whispered to her.

"Stop whispering for starters." She laughed and threw her purse on her shoulder. "It's a courthouse, not a library. You can talk at a normal volume."

"Right." I cleared my throat trying not to feel embarrassed. "Now what?"

"Now we go and find my dad. He should be over by the dockets or by the prosecutors office."

"What's a docket?" I said looking around the courthouse, looking for I don't know, boats I guess.

"Follow me." Des rolled her eyes in amusement and started walking away. "A docket is pretty much a court case, they have a wall with a list of people and their charges. It tells you what court room you'll be in and who your judge is going to be."

"My names going to be up there?" I said, sounding like a complete child.

"Yes Eve, you have court today so your name will be up there." She grabbed onto my hand sensing my nervousness.

"Up on the wall for everyone to see!"

"Trust me Eve, no ones looking for your name. Everyone here is looking for their own, or their clients name."

Destinee stopped and waved at someone and I noticed we finally found her dad. He was talking to someone on his cell, and simultaneously flipping through some paperwork he had in his hands.
Destinee's dad was handsome but definitely intimidating. He had this stare that could freeze you in place and not move until he gave you permission. I guess that's why he was so successful as a lawyer. Prosecutors were just too intimidated to hold their ground in an argument with him. He had salt and pepper hair and dark blue eyes that almost looked black. He was tall and also in pretty good shape for his age.

"Did anyone ever tell you your dads kinda hot?"

"Eve remember when I told you I don't care who you screw?" Destinee paused waiting for my answer, but I didn't give her one. "My dad is where I draw the damn line!"

I couldn't contain my laughter but I was cut off when Destinee's dad pulled her and I in for a welcome hug.

"How are my girls doing?" He said when he finally let us both go.

"I'm good dad, but Eve on the other hand could be doing better." She looked at me from the corner of her eye and then turned back to Tom. "What do you think is going to happen?"

"I'm not sure baby doll any of the things I said on the phone are possible. I know the prosecutor, he doesn't back down easily. I'm going to have to talk to Eve alone." He turned and looked at me and then gestured to a room just a few steps away.

The room was empty and intimidating. It contained one table and two chairs at opposite sides. There was a tan folder on the table with two pens next to it. "I'm assuming I should sit down." I sat down and immediately started fidgeting with my fingers like I always do. Tom sat at the opposite side of the table and silently flipped through the folder that was on the table. After a agonizing few minutes he sighed and finally looked up at me.

"I'm going to try my best to keep you out of jail Eve."

"Mr. Smith, I can't go to jail! I've never been in trouble before, I can't do this!" I started to panic all over again and I just wanted to run out of the door and never look back. How long could I run from the law? It can't be that hard.

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