Chapter Thirteen - Freedom at Last!

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I was right about my skin clearing up overnight. The cuts and bruises seem to have faded away, only leaving sore muscles behind. I should probably take some time to recover, but I won't. PinK's out for revenge and I'm going to show this city PinK is alive and kicking. I just can't wait to see the looks on my brother's faces when they realize that I'm not a pink smear under several tons of concrete and steel. It's going to be priceless! 

I need to get out and do some recon, figure out what to do for my grand resurrection. I grab my sneakers out of the bottom of my closet where they'd been hidden and head out the door. "Aelia! Your laces are undone silly," calls out Mum from the front door. I look down and see she's right. Oops. I walk back to the front steps and attempt to tie them up with one hand. Mum can see I'm having a hard time, so she intervenes. "Here, let me. Where are you going anyway?" asks Mum as she does my laces for me.  "Oh, just out for a walk. See how the city's doing yknow." 

Mum raises her eyebrows. "You're forgetting something," she says with a pointed look to my arm. "Crud! I completely forgot. That appointment with the nurse for my arm was today, wasn't it." Mum nods with a laugh. "Better than that. She reckons with the way your arm is healing, the cast can come off today." I can feel the smile light up my face. "Awesome! When can we go?" I ask eagerly, wanting nothing more than to be rid of the silly thing. Mum looks at her watch. "Actually, now! Just let me get my things." 

The drive to the health center couldn't go fast enough, and we barely had to wait before being ushered through to the main room. One slice of the saw and I was free. My arm was very pale compared to the other one, and it felt strange to be using it. I circle my wrist a few times, staring at it. I turn around and Mum is there. "How does it feel to be out of arm prison?" she asks jokingly, walking towards the exit with me. "It feels great, even though I'm part albino now!"

She laughs and we hop into the car. The traffic is near at a stand-still, so I lean out the window and watch the world go by. A flash of auburn zips across the sky, so fast I can only make out a red cape. "Was that Carter flying past just then? Where's he off to?" I question. "I didn't see, but probably." Mum answers. "He's probably off to the base or something. I think it's around here."

"Base? They have a BASE?" I ask in disbelief. Mum laughs and shakes her head at a rouge driver cutting ahead of us. "You didn't know? Where do you think they are when they're not saving the city?" I'm embarrassed that I actually never thought about it too hard. "I guess I just thought they came home late?" I reply sheepishly. Mum snorts. "They practically live there." 

The statement makes me think. Not so much as Aelia, but as PinK. Mum must have seen the new gleam in my eyes. "Its surrounded by dozens of security measures, not to mention them. If you're going to do something please don't hurt them ok? And don't get caught." She cautions me. 

"I promise I won't hurt them. Too much, at least."

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