Quarter Quell - One

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Just so you know I do not own the hunger game books or films only my character.

-3rd Person-

"Please welcome your host Ceaser Flickerman" Ceaser still sporting blue hair came out and lifted his hand up in the air with a big grin.

"Hello, Hello, Hello and Welcome to this week's show and do we have a hell of a show planned. Now 3 months ago we welcome four new victors in what was a unexpected Hunger Games and in just two week two of said Victors will become man and wife." the audience awed

"tonight's show is a special and we'll be getting some inside scoops and have opinions of Lacey Ryder and Cato Valentin's upcoming wedding don't go anywhere"


"Okay so it had been none stop chatter about Cato and Lacey two of the four victors wedding which is only two weeks away. And I bet you are all wondering what she is going to be like so let's get some dish on the bride please welcome Jessica Jurist, Lacey Ryder's Stylist" JJ walks on and waves before taking a seat.

"welcome JJ and thank you for coming"

"it's a pleasure Ceaser"

"So JJ it is the wedding of the year and Lacey is one of the most talk about victors in Panem so pray tell what do you have planned?"

"well i can't give much away Ceaser cause the bride to be may be watching but what i will tell you is that is very Lacey and i don't mean it has lots of Lace." she joked and they laugh."It's her style with the flare of Capitol"

"what were you thinking where you were designing the dress in question"

"don't mess up" there was laughter again

"Being from district 8 Lacey is very in tune with what works with her and what doesn't we nailed that the first time we met. She has a great figure and she's becoming if not already a woman, and to put her in anything we wear just wouldn't look right because there are most people who can pull it off then there's the ones who can't. But yeah I'm very proud of my work."

"and have you seen the bride to be?"

"no unfortunately but it's only a couple of weeks and it will fly by"

"that it will now your her stylist of not only Lacey but the wedding as well tell us what is the theme for the wedding."

"Well Lacey loves Blue and the colour of Sapphires so it's going to be a starry night theme"

"and where does Cato fit into all of this, apart from being the groom" there was laughter.

"Cato doesn't mind all he cares about is marrying Lacey he would marry her this second if he could"

"well thank you for that JJ everyone"


I paced up and down my bedroom before going to the window. the whole district was preparing the town for my wedding. It looked great courtesy of the Capitol who were helping the people clean and make everything look amazing. So there would hardly be a speck of dirt in sight. There was a knock on my door and Cecelia popped her head in. I smiled breathing a sigh of relief, Cecelia had taken to a motherly role with me and she was only 30.

"Hey Cece" i smiled at my nickname for her.

"Hey how you feeling?"

"nervous but excited. I just want to marry him already" she smiled

"i was like that with John but it's all worth it" John was Cece's husband and they have three children together.

"Have you seen Cato"

"No but Woof has and he says Cato is just as nervous, he can't stand being away from you for too long"

"neither can i." there is another knock and in walks JJ, Claudia, Marcuse and Lufu.

"have no fear we are here" JJ chirped and i laughed.

"we are her to make the blushing bride into a beautiful princess soon to be queen" i rolled my eyes

"so what's first?" i asked and they grinned. 3 hours later i was being fitted into my gorgeous dress Cece came rushing in.

"you'll never believe what has happened" she panted still holding her dress.

"what?" i wondered now getting worried.

"President Snow is here for the wedding" i turned round fully

"excuse me?!" she nodded

"apparently his granddaughter looks up to you and Katniss oh that reminds me She and Peeta have also arrived as well as most of the victors. and family." i nodded

"and President Snow requests to see you"

"okay give me two minutes to finish getting into the dress, do you like it, i love it."

"i love it too" after everything was right with the dress they started putting jewellery on when there was a knock. JJ opened and nodded

"please come in sir" i sat in from of the mirror as President Snow came in with a young girl proberly aged 13. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Miss Ryder." he nodded

"President Snow, my apologies for still getting ready."

"none needed Miss Ryder, My granddaughter simply wanted to be introduced to the bride." i stood up after i wrapped Cato's necklace around my wrist.

"Hello what's your name" i leaned down, she looked up to her grandfather who nodded


"it is very nice to meet you Elizabeth, you look very pretty today"

"not as pretty as you"

"oh thank you" i smiled

"one day i want someone to love me like Mr Valentin loves you and Mr Mellark loved Katniss."

"And when that day comes that boy will be very lucky"

"come Elizabeth, Miss Ryder need to finish getting ready" the left and JJ added the final piece...my veil

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