Quarter Quell - Three

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"I just don't see why we have to go all the way to 12, it's blooming freezing" I huff to Daphne.

"Lacey that's enough now we are going to 12 because then we can work our way through the districts. That and that's where the camera are going to be?" i rolled my eyes as i messed with Cato's wedding ring. it had been three months since we were married. Now we were on our way to district 12 for the beginning of the victory tour which was starting with a short interview with Ceaser and ends in the Capitol.

"relax baby sooner this is done with sooner we can get down to business." he kisses my neck and squirm with laughter. We promised that once we were done with the victory tour we would start trying for a baby.

"I'll leave you two too it. We'll be arriving in half an hour."

"Cato your incorrigible" i slap his arm.

"yes but you still love me" he captures my lips and pulls me closer on his lap we must have been long because Daphne comes trotting in.

"oaky you two break apart were arriving in three and you need to grab your coats and things." i roll my eyes and pull away.

"don't get ahead of yourself Daph people might start to think you're not getting any" i smile on my way out then grabbed my coat and boots. We stepped off the train and got into a car which took us to the victors village .. Stepping out i saw they were already setting camera s up.

"okay Lacey JJ is waiting in Katniss house where you'll be getting ready. Cato, Lenver is in Peeta and Haymitch's which is there." we parted and i saw the  girl on fire being flattered over.

"Lacey!" JJ attacked me in a hug which i returned she was a great friend infact my best friend which i never thought was possible.

"JJ" we pulled away and i nodded to Katniss.



"well lets get you ready, oh you've been taking my advice you're practically glowing." I was poked prodded and curled before they were doing finally touches Ceaser coming out and beginning the show.

"Welcome, Welcome... Last year the 74th Hunger Games brought us two of the greatest love stories of our time. Four brave young people, against all odds chose to die rather to lose the one they love. As a nation we shared the agony and happiness, But we had so little time to revel in their joy..."

"Oh its time, they're done, they're lovely. We must feed the monster." Effie and Daphne shooed away our prep team

"All right its time" we were guided to the door. "Your excited, in love"

"one of us is" i commented

"Lacey" Daphne scolded

"love you Daph" i grinned

"Big smiles for the camera in three, two, one"

"And their they are Lacey Valentino and Katniss Everdeen. The girl that shines and the girl on fire." i smiled and waved at the Camera walking down.

"And here are the boys Cato Valentino and Peeta Mellark, The Prince Charming and the Bakers Boy" Cato waved and we went up to each other giving a kiss and turning to the other two who just hugged but then fell down. I laughed, Katniss then kissed Peeta and it took all I had not to make a snarky comment about how fake it looked to me.

"Is anybody home should we come back later."

"sorry Ceaser" they got up.

"Oh, please It's all right it's your day. So tell us how are the four of you."

"We're good" Peeta replies god he needed a lesson on speaking.

"that's it that's all we get 'we're good' So taciturn all of a sudden. Peeta give me some details! "

"Yeah things are uh things are good here in 12"

"Thanks to generosity of the Capitol we've never been closer."

"25 yards to be exact" Ceaser laughs and Katniss fake laughs.

"Lacey, Cato how is the marriage going"

"Fabulous , Ceaser thank you for asking. We can wait to get started on the tour and return back to the Capitol for a little while." i grin doing a better job than the other two.

"yes hopefully without jinxing it or giving too much away we plan on bring more good news to share with you" Cato finishes.

"oh you have my interest peeked i can't wait to here. We'll be checking in with you throughout the victory tour. Thank you so much Lacey and Cato Valentino with Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark." we wave and then they power down.

"Wonderful! everybody in motion we are out of here in 10" I smiled and started kissing Cato.

"that was great acting" I heard Peeta

"you too"

"almost thought that kiss was real" i pulled away and started laughing. Katniss turned to me.

"what's so funny."

"apart from the fact he loves you when clearly your just trying to save your own skin? The great acting part. You two really need lesson if i wasn't a victor i would be able to see you are faking, but don't worry you can only get worse" i tap her shoulder and leave. Cato laughs as i walk away and then snatches my waist and breath in my ear.

"i love when your patronizing" he whispers.

"Cato you love nearly everything i do" he thought about it

"true" i chuckle and we get in the car being taken back to the train. It was next morning when we were all together.

"Fabulous food, Fabulous wine, the massages, spa treatments." Effie started (I'm i the only one who thought of the song Fabulous from HSM 2?)

" We told them nothing but the best for our  victors. It all needs to be uh" Daphne continued

"Fabulous?" Haymitch wondered and i snorted in amusement.

"exactly" Effie smiled

"Now the schedule is a bit of a bear 12 Days 12 Districts" Daphne sighed

"But it's mostly parties, celebrations, adoring fans to greet you at every stop along the way, and then we wrap it up in the Capitol" i swear Effie and Daphne could be twins sometimes.

"All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave to the crowds and enjoy the spotlight."

"you've earned it" Effie finished

"what did you say?" Katniss asked

"Katniss" Peeta said and i sat back to watch it unravel

"I said enjoy it Katniss you've earned it."

"by killing people"

"some who deserved it" i then coughed 10. Katniss stood up and left.

"this is also the time where the Capitol want us to rub it in that we survived and they didn't. I will happily do that for the district 10 male" i sigh, i had become hateful to that ass who i killed i almost sunk into depression if it wasn't for Cato and the ass made me brake my promise.

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