Quarter Quell - Twelve

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Peeta was up front with his sword along with Cato, cutting roots that was in our way. I was at the back with Katniss. I wiped the sweat off my face as a sound caught my attention.

"Peeta, Cato No!" the swung their sword and we were all sent back. I sat bolt upright.

"Cato" i scrambled next to him,

"he's not breathing" Katniss and i cry. i go into protective mode and do CPR. pushing on his chest 30 times then giving him two breaths. I did the same again.

"come on baby don't leave me" I give I'm another two breaths then check his breath.

"Peeta" Katniss breaths in reply

"Finnick help" i pant my arms getting tired he comes over.

"let me" i pant

"please don't leave me, you promised" Cato starts breathing.

"Lacey" he breaths i let out a choked sob then looked at Finnick

"thank you" he nods and i bring Cato into a hug.

"your heart stopped you were dead , you and Peeta. God Cato i thought you left me" he hugged back

"never" he replied i leaned back to kiss him so powerful.

"you okay to stand." he hums and i help him up jumping into his arms. He drops his sword to get a good grip.

"you scared me, don't do that again asshole" he chuckled

"wouldn't think of it." i pull away.

"let's get going" Katniss breathed they took some stones off the floor and began to threw one so we knew where not to go, we made it down a slope and i was getting tired.

"Hang on" Katniss said going up to a tree and climbing it. We waited to see what she would find, i heard a little rumble then nothing. She came back down.

"the force field, it's a dome we're at the edge of the arena. I saw no signs of fresh water" she scraped her hair back.

"It's going to get dark soon, We'll be safe with our backs protected. We should set up camp. Take turns in sleeping I'll take first watch" Finnick thought.

"not a chance" Finnick stood up straight

"that thing i just did back there was called saving Peeta's life. If i wanted to kill you i would have done it by now" he walked off. I did not want to get involved in this one. We set up camp and i laid down on Cato's chest..

It got dark and the tribute anthem started playing i looked up and saw the fallen eight. I sighed none of us should be here. This wasn't fair, i was going to go back to sleep when i heard a chiming.

"Cato" i shoved him and he sat up. i saw a parachute come down, Katniss went to get it and opened it up.

"Drink up" she read.

"Haymitch is a Genius" Cato chimed grabbing whatever it was

"It's a spiel" he grabbed a large rock and knocked it into the tree and waited soon water started coming out i grinned. everyone took a drink and so did i before filling the flasks up for later.

"Finnick take this to Mags" i handed him a flask and he did. i cooled myself down and moved away.

"you look tired" Cato muttered

"i am"

"come on get some sleep." we went back to our original position


I watched as Lacey fell asleep again her breathing thinning out. I almost died today, i almost left her and that scared me. i kissed her temple.

"i promise I'll never leave you." i whisper and lean my head on hers before falling asleep. I was woken again by gongs i looked down at Lacey who was out for the count this time and it didn't affect her . The gongs stopped at 12 and then i saw lightning struck a tree. sighing i tried to get some more sleep.

"run run the fog is poison." Katniss screamed i woke up as did Lacey and we go up and started running. i kept hold of Lacey's hand as it was now coming from all directions. She tripped and screamed at the fog got her . i pulled her to me and lifter her up into my arms as we took off running i stopped when i saw the others.

"I can't carry him" she whimpered i panted and they looked at me.

"Lacey got he she's worse than Peeta, i can't help" i told them. Mags got Finnick attention and kissed him before walking into the fog.

"Mags? Mags! Mags!!"

"Finnick we have to go! Finnick" Katniss said as a cannon went off.

"we have to get out of here...we have to go"

"all right come on, come on" the two took Peeta as i still held Lacey and we left.  I was in front of them and i heard their pain as i got hit and we all tumbled. i was panting. i laid there for a bit.

"the water! the water helps" i heard Katniss and followed her voice to water. i yelled in pain as it went over where the fog got me, but spending a few minutes i felt relief. Once i knew i could stand i got Lacey and put her in the water she woke up screaming

"shh baby, it's alright, shhhhh. It helps" He screams went to grunting and then to a sigh.

"hey" i smiled

"hi" she mumbled. i washed her face and then she sat up.

"i feel like I've been run over by an armoured truck" she groans. we finish getting the sores off when i had to tell her about Mags.



"Mags is dead, she went into the fog so Finnick could help Peeta" she stops

"that's not fair" she whispered and i nodded bringing her head to my chest

"Peeta, Cato Lacey"

"yeah" we replied

"walk over here slowly" i looked behind me and jumped pulling Lacey and out weapons with us

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