Quarter Quell - Two

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My Dad came in a minute after and my prep team scurried out

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My Dad came in a minute after and my prep team scurried out.

"you look beautiful Sweetheart" He smiled holding me at arm's length. he the twirled me around to get the full view

"your mother would be so proud" i hugged him.

"please don't make me cry JJ will have a fit and my ears are delicate" he laughed then we pulled away him lifting the front of my veil over onto my face.

"let's not keep that future husband of your waiting." he escorted me out. It was now dark under the night sky peacekeepers lined the area, citizens stood at the back and others such as victors, family, president and his granddaughter were sat down. Up above everyone  were hand made stars which glittered through the light. We had granted the camera crew to film the wedding but just the ceremony. The music began to play and everyone stood up, Daddy led me down and up to Cato. He took my hands and we looked at the mayor.

"please be seated" everyone did. "Welcome, we are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Cato Valentin and Lacey Ryder. These two found love and wish to make a binding agreement in the eyes of our saviour and everyone gathered here today." The mayor began.

"Cato, please repeat after me..." (Cato will bee saying the next lines just imagine the mayor has said it before)

"I Cato Valentintake you Lacey Ryder to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." i smile at him through my veil.

"Lacey if you please."

"I Lacey Ryder take you Cato Valentin to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"now for the rings." Cato takes my ring and slips in on my finger

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As i place it on your finger, i commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day." i then take Cato's ring and repeat what he just said

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As i place it on your finger, i commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day."

"with the power invested in me i now pronounce you Husband and wife, Cato you may kiss your bride"

"finally" he lifts up my veil and kissed me i wrap my arms around him and return it. I can hear everyone clap and cheer around us.

When we pull away i give him a big grin.

"Ladies and Gentlemen i give you Mr and Mrs Cato Valentin" we turn to face them and they are standing up. we make our way back down the aisle. Where we will have pictures taken before the party. We have one unfortunately with Katniss and Peeta then one of me and my Dad, one with Cato's  Mom because his father refused to attend.

The camera's were taken down and it was all changed around before we headed back. As we sat down everyone clapped and got a good meal and i mean everyone including the citizens. Cato leaned closer to me.

"you look beautiful"

"Ah yes but you look handsome"

"not the same thing" he gave me a kiss and i smiled. Once we finished we began dancing and socialising with the other victors, I met Mags, Annie and Finnick from district 4. Johanna and Blight from 7, Brutus, Enarobia, Gloss and Cashmere the career pack and many more. I even had a drinking game with Haymitch which he lost because he's so easily drunk i doubt he's ever sober.

It was time for us to leave so me and Cato changed before going onto the hover craft which would take us to our destination.

a/n sorry it's such a short chapter but anyway we'll get into the movie next chappie

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