Quarter Quell - Five

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I stood in district 10 in front of the crowd where i was getting hateful glares from most of them. I didn't care, that ass killed my friend although i did feel sorry for the girl..

"Cato, Katniss, Peeta and I want to share with you our victory. And the gratitude to the Capitol for bringing us together. It was the bond of love forged in the crucible of the games  that was our greatest prize." i said

"For what it is love, true love that allows us to bear the hardships that mend the heart and banishes loneliness and gives meaning to our lives." Cato continued. We went through the same speeches through each districts.

"We also want to share with you the sorrow of your losses. the tributes of this..." Two people raised their fingers in salute and were taken away by peacekeepers. Katniss looked to us and we nodded for her to continue.

"The tributes of this district were brave and noble warriors, they brought honour to their families and pride to their people. We are all of us united both victors and vanquished In serving a common purpose." They were all pretty quiet some welcomed us with cheers. District 3 was our first angry crowd. More so at Cato and Katniss

"...the power and glory of the Capitol...." they were asking her to tell them what they really think and put down the card it was kind of scaring me. "Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever" Katniss finished we were then taken of stage.

While in the food Cart alone Katniss came in and sat down next to me.

"So where's Cato" she asked

"sleeping, he's been feeling the stress lately" i replied she nodded but looked like she wanted to say something more.

"is there something wrong Katniss?" i asked

"President Snow came to see me before we left for the tour. He basically said to distract everyone and convince him I'm in love with Peeta. That or my district gets killed."

"what?" my voice was now low.

"We have two days left and i don't know what we can do. Peeta plans to propose to me live on tv but it's just so awkward around him."

"not wanting to be mean but it's not surprising your the worst actress when it comes to soppy love."

"do you think you could help us?" she asked

"this late in the tour?" i replied "Katniss you should have said something earlier its difficult to turn something like your situation around in two days." she looks down

"but I'll try" she looks up


"yes i don't want another 13 on our hands. But Katniss this is going to be hard for you Peeta doesn't need to act."

"thank you. for everything especially that harsh wakeup call"

"I'm not apologising for that" i retort

"never thought of it." i sigh and eat.

"what do you see in Cato that i don't...not that i mean it in a harsh way its just he's always seemed so cocky, arrogant and ruthless"

"he is, you saw him in the bloodbath. But he's different when he's with me like he has a reason to be better, to feel something other than a hunger for blood. He's still cocky and arrogant believe me but he's worth it." i smile.

I taught them little things to show love and words and phrases to use when they were around people, how to be round one another which was mainly getting Katniss to relax.

We arrived in the Capitol after district 1 and had a interview with Ceaser where Peeta proposed to Katniss.

Now we were at our final stop before going back to District 8 and 12.

"The Presidential Palace, the party of the year. Eye's bright, chins up smiles on. Katniss I'm talking to you." Effie started as we walked into the Presidential Palace.

"Now, there will be photographers. Interviews. Everyone will be here to celebrate you...our victors." we stopped

"breathe it all in" they turned to us.

"looks cosy" i chuckled

"attitude" Effie scolded then turn back round.

"Come, Come" we were lead up to the mass of people where i was holding onto Cato's arm as we smiled at them all cheering and clapping. We made our way through the crowd and into the palace. Effie and Daphne led us out to the back of the palace where there was food.

"thank god I'm starving" no it's not what you think i just haven't eaten all day.

"Lacey shall we dance" i nodded after i finished.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him

"better once today is over with" i nodded

"i love you." he told me

"i love you too" i smiled

"no really though, i love you and i can't way to start the rest of our lives together" i leaned up and kissed him but we were interrupted.

"Cato, Lacey" i groaned and pulled away.

"Daphne there better be a good reason for interrupting Daphne" i looked at her

"this is Plutarch Hevensbee the new game maker successor to Seneca Crane." he nodded

"nice to meet you both"

"nice to meet you too" we replied

"do you mind if i cut in?" he asks pointing at me

"no be my guest" Cato nods then kissed me before going to stand to the side. We start dancing.

"are you enjoying the tour."

"could be better but I'll be glad when it's all finished. I can start living again."

"how so" he wonders

"Cato and I will start trying for a baby. We want a family and we now have a good setting so..."

"congratulations, although you might want to hold off on your Mommy plans" he replies


"there is a storm brewing and it's not place for a pregnant victor or baby." i give him a look to continue.

"Mr Abernathy has told me you dislike for the Capitol or more likely President Snow." i snap my head towards him

"to divulge such comments i will swing for him." he chuckles

"no need to be alarmed, infact i share your same dislike"

"you'd never know"

"learn from the best" he smiles at me

"what do you mean."

"you are the perfect image for a kiss up. You hate what has become of this contrary yet you act like you're on good terms with Snow"

"does this have a point?" i question

"it does but that point is left for safer quarters. What i will say is if you agree you can help make this a contrary you won't be afraid of your child turning 12 and possibly being reaped." with that he separated and smiled

"it was lovely meeting you Mrs Valentino" he left and Cato took his place.

"what was that all about" i looked at him then around.

"not here." i whisper and he looks confused but nods.

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