Quarter Quell - Eight

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The next Day I'm with JJ who comes in smirking her head of i turn fully to face her.

"Does someone have a trick up their sleeve eh JJ?"

"you bet your ass i do, unfortunately is nothing fancy as to what Cinna has going on. But you shouldn't be here none of you should so I've checked with the other stylist and no one is doing the dark and royally pissed of dangerous look."

"so pray tell what am i wearing this time" we sit down and she shows me the sketches.

"we have as much fabric hint of blue to go with your engagement ring and had a hint of Capitol " I've also noticed she's toned down her in your face wow factor.

"new look?"

"sort of, don't want to talk about it."  i nodded

"okay let's get ready" all my make up is dark except my lips which they just put gloss on. my dress is a corset one with a poofy skirt which has a hit of blue and a silk blue bow which is on my waist with the material hanging lowly down the left side. I have fingerless corset gloves and a black top hat with blue feathers coming out of it. my hair is braided and had extensions put in so it goes over my shoulder and lands just above my waist.

"you've out done yourself. JJ"

"I know now go, oh and when you're out there wave but have a moody look like your royally pissed off"

"okay" i went to the lift and when it reached my floor it opened and Katniss was in.


"Lacey" she replied i decide to take my chance.

"Katniss i know we've been civil towards each other but in these games with the Capitol being assholes we need allies. i was hoping that you would say yes to me and Cato allying with you." she looked a little shocked

"i thought you and Cato would want to ally with the careers."

"There's a storm coming and we want to be on the right side. That and they no longer have respect for Cato since he won with us and married me. In fact it was his idea and want to ally with you."


"yes i was shocked myself, with the way he was brought up he seems to be coping well and not giving a fuck."

"okay" she said

"okay as in we'll keep each other alive?"

"yes, it will be good to have your skills and murderous intent" i laugh

"was that an attempt at joking"

"might be" the doors opened and we walked out. Fans screamed down

"Katniss! Lacey!" we looked up but continued walking.

"catch you later girl on fire"

"same with you girl that shines" i went to my carriage where Cato was already waiting.

"well hello Mr Valentino" he turns round. he's wearing a blue shirt with a black jacket, tie, pants and shoes. also wearing a top at with blue feathers.

"Hello Mrs Valentino, i would kiss you but i would like to be alive for the games." i laugh as he helps me onto the carriage.

"we have an alliance with Peeta and Katniss."

"really? you work fast"

"i saw an opportunity and took it. you look great by the way." he grins

"i know i totally pull of black" he straightens up

"cocky bastard" i laugh

"i am but you still love me"

"that i do"

"Tributes mount up, tributes mount up" we ignore and just wait. when they start moving i sigh

"no smiling just waving."

"you got it Mrs" the horses takes us out and we wave and they takes us past the president but i don't look at him. before taking us back the way we came. We arrive back Woof is there to meet us.

"aren't you the perfect couple at making friends"

"we already have friends their called Katniss and Peeta" i reply.

"you've already got to work nice, I'll talk with Haymitch make things official"

"you do that." we make our way to the lift and spot Finnick and Mags

"Finnick, Mags" i smile. We met at mine and Cato's wedding i did like them.

"Lacey, Cato...How's life" Finnick asks

"would be better if the Capitol wasn't trying to kill us. But apart from that good, you?"


"How's Annie, i saw the reaping"

"when i left she was still crying" he replied i nodded. I could see that Finnick loved her no matter what the Capitol made him do for a living. It stopped and their floor and we said goodbye. It then took us up to 8.


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