1) Is it pwoper banana?

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Since she discovered them, she pays attention on every thing she sees reminding her on them. It's not like they're creeping around her. It's just that her mind can't control her obsession with them. Her mind is full of them. The places, that held only emptyness before, are so full of them now. Her mind can't stop thinking about them. She's surrounded by them everywhere she goes. Even though they aren't next to her, she feels them here. In her heart. They rock through her soul. Her mind is never enough of them. It's something she adores too much. It's something she can't live without anymore. It is something that became a part of her life.


She was listening to them while not paying attention in class. As usual. All she was hearing was a voice that came from an angel. It combined with powerful guitar and the beats that were coming from her headphones. She turned the volume on, louder and louder so she would be satisfied and pleased, feeling careless and all free. Not afraid of anything, she didn't care if it was too loud. „Megan, put down the headphones. I'm serious.“ – despite the words, she didn't hear. She was mentally absent. Still there, but no, none of them in class were on her mind. She was in different world. Only thinking about three important persons that changed her life. „Megan, take that shit off of your head!!“ – now she heard. But, by her character, she procrastinated and didn't do anything. Actually she did. Something that she would always do when being bored or so. She started tattooing a special word on her wrist. A guy next to her watched but she covered the view with black silken hair. Suddenly she noticed a huge shadow flooding her notebook. „Meg.“ – the guy next to her poked her. She slowly took off the headphones and lifted up. Now she was looking right in the eyes of the professor. „You have a problem?“ – she said all calmed down.

„I think you didn't understand my words.“

„I'm perfectly healthy, physically and mentally. Music just didn't let me hear you, sorry. Still a problem, man??“

„Of course there's a problem! Ten minutes ago I told you to put down the headphones, what part of that didn't you understand!? This isn't the first time you don't follow the teaching and this time, seriously, I'll send you to the princi-“

„It was before few mins ago, minutes don't go that fast, sir. Maybe you aren't familiar with the time yet. And I definitely don't disturb you, not in any way.“

„It's not important before how much mins I warned you! You don't even listen to word I sa-“

„Then why are you mentioning the time..? It's not ordered we have to listen to you every damn time.“

„Everything says in the rules, young lady!“

„Weally? You studied all the rules that were there? Wow, I'd love to hear that.“

„We're going to find that rule.“ He came to his table. „And when we find it, you're going right to the princip-“

„No, thanks, sir.“ She interrupted again. „I don't want to waste my time finding a rule that doesn't exist, with some fag called Professor.“  She started picking up her stuff into the bag impatiently. You could hear all those voices from class how much she humbled the professor. „That's enough!“ He came to her, almost hit her but she escaped from the hit. She picked up her bag and headphones. „You mm.. mother.. fuc..“ – she muttered and went through the door and slammed. You could hear those voices again. The professor went out to chase her but that would be stupid and unnecessary because she was too far already. „You will be punished!“ – he yelled and pointed with the pen in his hand. He fixed his mustaches and went back into the classroom.

Megan was pissed off but luckily she calmed down soon. Thinking about three boys she was in her fantasy world again. She went in the hall for P.E. because she could only calm down her mind there. The place was always peaceful when nobody trained there. Logical. Although it was full of dust and smelling on sweat, it was weally quiet to open your mind and think alone. Well, she entered the locker room to sit there and think but she caught boys taking off their sweaty shirts. Blaaam! Back to the reality. The boys looked up at her and dislodged her while secretly laughing. She closed the door quickly and ran away into another room. „They were hot though haha.“ – she whispered to herself.

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