Hullo again!
Let's jump right in—
Yeah yeah, I know I've been a hermit and have basically been on hiatus, but I'm back an' buzzin' like a bee in the spring
Here's what I got for y'all :~comm prices~
Only traditional comms are open as of now! My art tablet is broken, and using my phone is killing my fingers
t r a d i t i o n a l:
•(headshot sketch) 5 points
•(bust sketch) 10 points
•(half body sketch) 15 points
•(full body sketch) 20 points
•(clean headshot) 15 points
•(clean bust) 20 points
•(clean half body) 25 points
•(clean full body) 30 points
•(colored headshot) 20 points
•(colored bust) 25 points
•(colored half body) 35 points
•(colored full body) 50 pointsJust pm me if you're interested!!
Pilly, out! ✨✨✨