Where it all begins

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YYAAYY new fanfic anyways I'm working real hard on this one all ideas are mine please don't steal ENJOY!!!!

My alarm screams my favirout song wild child by Elen Levon at me never set your favirout song as an alarm now when I listen to that song it despises and disappoints me.

"GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE!"An unwanted and annoying voice snaps me out of my thoughts.Sighing I (unwillingly) get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom and quickly and lazily put my hair in a messy bun. Still half asleep I limp downstairs


My so called father screams at me as he kicks me in the ribs.

"I'm sorry" I whimper as the pain floods through my body

"So ya should be leaving me waiting like that you got lucky nothing worse happened to you" he threatens

I look Down and nod "sorry" I barely whisper but he seems to have heard

"So you should be". He growls as his palm comes in contact with my face

"YOU SELFISH UNWANTED BITCH JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER" he screams at me just like everyday

"GO GET READY" he yells outraged

I just nod and once again limp upstairs

"Oh and Madison"

"Yeah" I say sounding scared

"Buy more food today you should've done it yesterday but no everything has to be about you now go" he growls angrily

I hurriedly make my way upstairs and into my bathroom lock the door behind me and rummage through my cabinets till I find the the sharp,metal razor I sigh heavily bring out my wrists

" I'm sorry" I whisper

Then slowly and carefully slide It across my damaged wrists I hiss at the impact it has on my skin and in total I had added four more scars four more memories then quickly pull out the bandages I keep for well known reasons I place them on top of the cabinet then turn on the Tap washing off my wrists hissing each time it comes in contact with my skin

"Shit" I curse under my breath as I lift up my tank top to reveal all my cuts and bruises

"I need help"I whisper

I make my way to my wardrobe and simply decide on ripped skinny jeans a yellow top that reads mind your own business and then black vans since I don't have much cloths I carefully look at the eyeliner which I had unsurely bought with the money I had made at my job.

"This better be worth it"I mumble as I quickly apply it to my eyelashes

then make my way downstairs to find my father sitting on the couch holding a bottle of beer in his left hand

"Um.. Dad" I say clearly but you can hear the shakiness tone in my voice

"What do you want"he growls

"I need some money to go get food"I answer unsure

He lets out an over exsagurated sigh then reaches out to the counter grabbing his wallet and throwing it to me it hit my right shoulder then fell to the floor with a thud I quickly pick it up and head for the front door

"DON'T FORGET MY BEER". He screams after me I exhale "how can I forget"I mutter under my breath and make my way to the side walk the the problem is your probably wondering why doesen't she just run away well yeah I would do that but that's my shelter it's what keeps me alive...sorta it's all I've got and I'm happy at least I have shelter and a tiny bit of food it's what you need to survive and if I have to live with a drunkard dick to get that I will I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my head collides with a glass door I make my way into Coles (it's an Australian supermarket) and grab a basket on my way in as I hurriedly make my way into the isles dad does not like waiting I grab all the things I need my gaze cones across a packet of Oreos should I....no Madison Roberts what are you thinking

" but your so skinny and underweight" my mind tells me otherwise

"Likewise I can always count on my mind to tell me the truth can't I" I growl as I try to give a death glare at my mind

"Um..excuse me are you alright" a woman who looks about in her four ties asks me

"Um...yeah quite fine actually just staring at these Oreos like anyone would I fact I might take a picture It will last longer"

I say as I pretend to take a picture

" there now I can stare at it all day..now.. Um..oravware"

I then quickly grab an Oreo packet and run before she can say anything else or attack me with her handbag I make my way to the checkout point and to the end of the line then take out the piece of paper my dad had given me which had written on it his pin code


Oh my gosh my moms birthday that's his pin code he needs to get over that he blames me for all of it I sigh then realise I'm next in Queue

"cash or card"

a little bit to cheerful lady asks me with bright blonde hair that could possibly blind you and showing off her pearly white teeth


I state simply


once again cheery much

Her tag read Lacey...cool

She turns the card pad thingy madgeiggy I put in the pin quickly not wanting memories coming back to haunt me I feel tears trying to win the battle of pouring onto my face like rain I keep it down take the card out again and hurriedly grab the bags and make my way towards home when my body comes crashes into something

"Again" I grouch

"I'm so sorry"

the voice sounds urgent and deserprit

"Watch it...but yeah it's fine"

I say

Looking up he has soft brown hair with bright chocolate brown eyes he expression holds worry but when he hears me say that his features relax and he gives me a warm smile

" I'm Liam by the way"

He gives me another warm smile shame I'm in a rush

"Madison" I state firmly

Then grab my bags and try to go past but he blocks my path

"Pretty,and not to sound rude but shouldn't you be jumping around screaming by now"

He sounds surprised


"Wow...Anywho love it's Liam Payne"


Yes I'm quite proud of myself for this story I must say haha anyways

READ (well your already reading it..)


cat ^^


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