Chpt 10 - Personal Discoveries

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"Have fun on your date!" sang Lauren, as I mounted (H/N).

I rolled my eyes. "It's not a date," I retorted, "We're just having lunch together."

Josephine smirked. "Yeah. A nice fancy lunch, just the two of you, with a picturesque view of the sea on this beautiful day. Nothing romantic about that at all."

"Like you would know what counts as romantic anyway."

Josie gasped and put on an offended face. "I can't believe you, (Y/N)! I'm hurt!"

"Aw look, you've offended her now!" added Lauren, holding the picnic basket up to me so I could take it.

Ava, as she had promised, had dropped the basket of food off to me this morning, with well wishes from herself, Clark and Penny (who never would have said it to my face even if she had been the one to drop the basket off). Unfortunately, Lauren, Josie and Edward had been there. While I had told them everything that had happened and was happening the night before, the sisters still took to poking fun at me over my 'lunch date'. Edward had just stood there and listened, which had, admittedly, made me feel slightly betrayed, but I suppose he was their chauffeur after all - if he was going to pick sides, it was of course going to be them.

"In that case, if it's not a date, we can go with you," said Josie.

"No," I replied bluntly.

"You said it wasn't a date."

"It's not."

"So why can't we come with you?" whined Lauren.

"Because... because you can't."

"That is most definitely not an adequate answer," scoffed Josie, folding her arms and glaring at me playfully.

I shrugged. "But it is an answer."

(H/N) neighed lightly and pawed at the ground.

"Look, you're making her agitated."

"Huh. She's almost as agitated as you are to leave," teased Lauren.

I groaned. "Can I just go now?"

"Hmm. What do you think, Josie, do you think that we've tortured him enough?"

Josie folded her arms and tapped her foot, pretending to look as if she was actually thinking about this. A few moments of silence passed.

"Yeah," she replied eventually, "he can go. Just don't be home too late, okay?"

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Sure, mum."

Lauren couldn't help but squeal and clap her hands together. "I hope you have fun! Oh, and say hi to your boyfriend for us! We get to meet him soon right?!"

Despite myself, my face heated up at her words. "How many times do I have to say that we're not dating? He's not my boyfriend! We've known each other for three days!"


"Romeo and Juliet knew each other for longer than we do!"

"And they fell in love straight away."

"It wasn't love!"

"So... are you suggesting that you know what love really feels like?"

"No one falls in love in three days! No one! It's impossible!"

I was aware that I was getting incredibly heated in this discussion, and that it probably wasn't helping my case.

Lauren snickered and wiggled her eyebrows at me, and Josie laughed, patting (H/N)'s side.

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