Part VIII | Something Else

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To say that Lance was nervous would be an understatement, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. He never actually thought he would be going on a date with Keith, with anyone. He just sorts of flirted with everything in the hopes they would at least become good friends. His confidence was the best part of his personality, but it is an act, a façade he made so that his greatest fear would never be. Ending up with no Familia, no lover, no friend... To be alone and not loved is heartbreaking. He can't imagine how Keith could have gone on knowing everything he ever knew and loved was gone forever. He is utterly alone.

"He is something else." Lance whispered to himself as he walked through the halls of the castle. He does this occasionally, taking a stroll alone to think over things. Usually about how much he misses earth, his home, and his family. He wonders if they worry about him. If they are scared and are staying up all night wondering where he is since he's technically missing. Lance clutched at his heart as the thought of his brothers and sisters crying over him clawed its way to his thoughts. He hopes that they can forgive him for all the stress he had cause when he sees them again, If I see them again. He than began to wonder if the others miss earth, miss their loved ones like him.

"Shiro hasn't mentioned his family since we first meet. He's mostly focused on our fight against the Galra. He's truly the stoic leader. Pidge's dad and brother are still missing and that's her main reason for joining Voltron, to find her family. I hope we can help her find them soon. I've never actually talked with Hunk about his family. He doesn't seem to be homesick but more worried about saving the people of the Galaxy from the Empire's boot. His family raised a really cool guy."

Lance paused in his stroll as he came to the subject of Keith. He winced as his heart tugged at the memory of finding out he lived in a shack in the desert, Alone. "I didn't ask him why he was living in the middle of nowhere. Why he had no pictures of family. Why he was..." Lance sighed as his hands clenched into fists. "I wasted so much time trying to be his rival instead of being his friend." He lifted his fist and slammed it against the wall, the pain did little to quell his heart and anger as tears threaten to spill from his tightly shut eyes. "Why did I make things difficult between us? Why didn't I try harder to get know him? Why didn't I realize what my true feelings were before I lost him?"

Lance's laughs filled the tense space around him as he laid his head against the cool metal. He then let the tears flow down his cheeks and it felt like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. He flipped over onto his back and slid down to the floor. "I can never get to see him again." His words were so soft that even he couldn't hear them, only feel them slip from his mouth. "The universe gave me a second chance, but I can never make up for those lost moments and the cost was everything the other Keith had ever known." He grabbed at his hair and gritted his teeth. "I can't be the Lance he knew... I'm too weak and I'm not his Prince."

Lance suddenly stopped, the tears dried, and his hands relaxed to floor. He sighed deeply, and his eyes snapped up to the ceiling above him. He felt something draw his attention to that exact spot. A pull that filled him with a familiar feeling and a single thought pushed its way to the forefront, I need to help.

"Keith?" He asked no one as he wiped his face and stood up. "I'm under Keith's room? Is he in trouble?" For some reason he knew something was wrong and he didn't have time to wallow. He needed to be strong like Keith and be there for him since he has no one left. So, he tried his best to hide his emotions behind his signature smile and started to run towards the elevator with determination to be something for this Keith.


Keith gripped the edge of the sink tightly, his knuckles turning white as he scrunched up his face. He tried to look up at his reflection in the mirror, but he immediately lowered his head in pain. Gritting his teeth, he tried his hardest not to cry out as the burning fire inside him crawled its way from his forehead down his arm. He lifted his hand and closed it tight as he tried his hardest not to use his Quintessence to heal him.

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