Chapter Ten

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Sepherus' POV:


Not her...

She can't be gone... I'm going to wake up and this is going to be a nightmare and she will be there with me.

I can't live without her.

She's my everything.

This is all my fault.

I got out of the river, my entire body shaking, I was numbed. There was only one thing that I wanted.

My wife and my child.

I felt rage, I felt impotent to not have her in my arms. Otoniel. He will pay! I will make him pay for everything. This is all his fault! And if anything happens to my wife and child, I will kill every human there is, like the parasites they are!

I took long steps towards Otoniel's body and where David stood, looking at me as if the world had ended. " I will search for Katherina, you take Otoniel's body to the underground chambers and take 90 % of his blood, poison him with Satra and take care of Kiona. We need her to be fine so that she can look for Katherina." I order him.

David nodded, not saying a single word. I was about to explode. I started running downstream trying to look for my wife, but after an hour I started losing hope. Every second that passed, was as If I was losing my connection to her.

I felt empty, I felt rage, I was a mixture of many emotions and for the first time in so many years, I felt fear. Fear of losing my wife and child.

I went back to the castle and order a group of warriors to search for Katherina, then I made my way to the hospital and put in charge a woman to take care of Kiona. "She cannot die. Do you understand me, woman?" I said. "Yes, my King."

I left and went to the chambers. By the time I got there, Otoniel had already woken up. He was chained up. "You kept me alive..."He said, his voice barely a sound. "I kept you alive to torture you myself." I said as I broke his leg. He screamed in pain.

"Haha, do whatever you want, I already did what I wanted to do...You little wife must be rotting in the inferno by now. " He said giving me smirk. I punched him. Some teeth fell from his mouth.

"You're lying. She's not dead. I'm sure of it...Even though our connection for some reason is not that strong, I know she is alive. " I said as I kicked his stomach. "That poison...was the deadliest I had created. She's dead! Hahaha, I killed the hybrid Queen!!" He screamed, his eyes showing the insanity he had.

"No, she can't be dead. She's not dead. I know it! " Punching Otoniel over and over again until David stopped me. "Stop Sepherus. We will find her, he is taunting you." He said.

"When I find her, I will make sure you die very painfully. You hell begins now." I said as I turned around.

"Order the reaper to torture him over and over again. Understood?" I said to a soldier. He nodded. "yes My Lord."

David and I left the chambers and headed towards the meeting room. "What is the situation?" I said as I sat down. " We lost 10 % of our warriors due to the explosion made by the warlock. The humans barely survived, only a few were left behind. The rest fled. The wall is 75% restored but it has been difficult because most of our earthbenders were badly injured. Lady Cornelia and lady Kiona have been taken to a separate room in order to take care of them and well...we're waiting for any orders of Queen Katherina. " One of the captains said.

"Queen Katherina is missing." I stated. They all gasp. "We must do something! We have to find her! "Some of the captains shouted. I felt the desperation they were feeling. "We will, I have already sent some warriors to look for her. For now, we will wait for them. Finish restoring the wall and then we will attack with all our force. We will take control of the human fraction of the world. No more division. We will kill any human who does not bow down to us. We will take it all. Understood ?" I said.

"Yes, sir!" All the captain said. "Get to work!" I shouted as I got up.

I went towards my room and sat on my bed. I knew David was following me. "I want to be strong. I have to. But I...I miss her." I said covering my face with my hands.

"I know you do. But you have to keep strong to lead all these vampires. You're the king. If you lose yourself, you won't have a throne to come back when you find her. " David stated. "I'm so worried. I can't even imagine what is happening to her. If she dies, I'll kill myself. I don't care about being King. There's no King without a Queen. I will give my title if it meant to have her with me."

"She is not dead. Otoniel didn't give her the serum completely." David said. "What do you mean?" I said looking at him. "In order for that serum to work, it must be injected completely. But, when I tried to pull Katherina from Otoniel, the injection fell and some drops were spilled. " He explained. "Then there is a possibility that she is alive?". I said hope rising in my heart.

"Yes, yes there is."

"I will look for her, I will restore the wall, enslave those petty humans and I will create a world where my wife and child will be safe. I promise that." I said as I stood up with more determination than ever.

***Fast forward***

It's been two days and we haven't had a single trace of her. It has been as if the floor had swallowed her. She was nowhere to be found. My anxiety was rising and I couldn't concentrate anymore. I wanted to be in the field looking for her, but I couldn't, I had to look after everything and It was slowly driving me crazy.

I wanted to leave, flee and find my love. My only love.

I was slowly falling apart and I couldn't do anything about it. I had so many things to do but the feeling of anguish never left me. Reports on the search, reports on the wall and strategies to overtake the human part of the world, but I was making little progress thinking of what could be happening to Katherina and our baby.

"Please be alive. Please be alive. I will get you both." I whisper.


Hey guys! I hope you have enjoyed this new update! What do you guys think will happen? Are Katherina and the baby dead? Tell me guys what you think in the comments =D
P.s I changed the book cover, do you Guys like it?

See you next update



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