Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hey guys! A picture of how Katherine and Sepherus looked is up here! Minus the elf features, they acquire from the potions, lol.  I hope you guys enjoy this chapter =D  Please don't forget to vote, comment and share =D 







Katherine's POV:

To say the magical world was beautiful was an understatement.

Too bad I was going to burn it to ashes.

We slowly made our way to the center of the royal city where the party and ceremony were going to be held. Witches, warlocks, and elves were dancing, drinking and filling their bellies with food. They seem unaware that we were infiltrated which was an advantage we had.

So far, everything was going well. Although my blood boiled at the thought of looking into Kiona's eyes and demanding her where my daughter was, I was nervous. What is she didn't tell me? What if she had already done something to my daughter? I breathe in and out trying to calm myself.

Sepherus noticing my deep breathes held my hand which I let him because it gave me a sense of calmness and even though I was mad with him, it was comforting that he was here with me, besides I didn't want to make a scene. "We will find her." He told me. I nodded. I continue looking for an entrance to the palace where we knew Kiona would be.

" I have a plan." I whisper. So, only those with supernatural hearing could hear the message. My grandparents, Sepherus and the soldiers jerk their heads towards me. I made sure the witches and elves were distracted to speak. " Take these, and pour them in the fountains from which these magical creatures are drinking from." I said passing the soldiers two small tubes with a red liquid. "It's poison for them." I said.

They nodded. " Go pour them and we will meet in the castle entrance in 10 minutes. I'm sure that's enough time." I said. The soldiers left. " You sure you want to kill every magical creature here?" Sepherus ask. " Yes. For celebrating the treachery of their so-called queen. Lucky will be those that stayed at home." I replied. "Alright." Sepherus answer.

We reached the entrance of the palace where we supposed Kiona was staying at. Oddly enough, there were no soldiers. Pretty sure, they felt safe in this little world of theirs. We waited for our soldiers to come back. When they did we enter the castle and looked for a room to stay at. We enter the only place that wasn't locked.

The library.

"Alright. The plan is to search for Kiona. When we find her, we will bring her here. I'm going to give each one of you these small injections. They are sleeping potions. Once you have injected her, she will fall asleep. I'll bend the potion out of her body when you bring her here." I said handling everyone a bottle.

"How did you get so many potions?" My grandmother asked. " Kiona forgot to empty her laboratory before she betrayed us." I replied. "Okay, Okay. Seems fair. " Cornelia answer. "What do we do in case we encounter someone?" Asked one of the soldiers. " Tell them you're lost. You were looking for a bathroom." Sepherus replied. The soldiers nodded.

"Alright. Split and return here in 15 minutes." I ordered. One by one we got out of the library. I went upstairs to the left while Sepherus went to the right. I enter a corridor that seemed endless, left and right where room doors. I focus my hearing to catch any sound. But I didn't hear anything. So, I lean in one of the doors and suddenly I heard the loudest hardcore music I had heard in years. "What the ??" I whisper to myself.

Could these doors have sound-proof spells? I quickly touched the door next to it and in that room, some classic jazz music was being put, while a small voice was talking. "Mama, what dress should I wear?" Said a little girl's voice. "Any you want baby." A woman's voice replied.

I quickly made my way and touched every door in the corridor, each leading me to a different sound. I got to a door that looked different from the rest, it was made of wood.

"Odd..." I replied. The entire palace was made out of metal and this door was made out wood. "There must be something there." I heard no noise. And So I entered the room. The room transformed from a wooden room to a normal palace suit, with a huge window that showed the exterior garden.

What happened next took me by surprise.

The door closed as if the air had closed it and I quickly made my way to and tried to open it put it was locked. I tried to bend it, but nothing happened.

"You can't bend it." Said a voice behind me.

I recognized the infamous voice.

I slowly turned around trying to control my fury.

"KIONA!!!" I screamed, making my way towards her.

The next things that happened, went very quickly.

Me, firebending two fire blast towards her, her blocking them, me running towards her and kicking her but she had an energy protection bubble around her.

"Don't even try. In this world, I'm untouchable." She replied. "We'll see about that!" I earthbended the ground beneath her, grabbed her knee with an earth rope and threw her out of the bubble she was in. I grabbed her by the neck, squeezing it. Each second that past I could hear her struggling. She tried to chant spells but every time she did I squeezed harder.

" Why! Why did you do it !" I screamed at her face, forcing my grasp on her neck. I could feel my fans coming out, my eyes turning their dark red color. "This... This is a trap." She managed to say.

"Where is my daughter?!" I said as I enter her chest cavity. She gasped and blood came running down the side of her mouth. "'" She gasped out.

"Try anything funny and I'll kill you Kiona. I swear it to you!" I said as I took my hand out of her chest and let go of her neck throwing her harshly on the floor. I took the sleeping injection and injected it in on her neck. She started to heal quickly, much quicker than what I had imagined.

I grabbed her and put her on my shoulders. I was now, able to get out of the room and I wasted no time running back to the library. On the way, I found my grandparents and Sepherus who had heard my footsteps.

We entered the library and put Kiona on the chair. I bent some rock that locked her in place. Without mercy I waterbended the potion out of her body, making sure it came out of her every pore, making it as painful as I could.

She awoke with a gasp and some coughing. " Spill the beans Kiona!" David said close to her face. "Glad to see the gang." She replied. " For every minute you take and not tell us anything useful, I will rip a nail out of your finger." My grandmother, Cornelia said getting close to her.

"Alright. I'll tell you the truth."


What do you guys think will happen next? 

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