Chapter Twenty-Four

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Katherine's POV:

"So, what's the difference between a Witch, an Elf, and a wizard ?" One of the soldiers who had accompanied us asked in the middle of the journey.

"How long have you been thinking about that ?" Another soldier asked. "Since the beginning of the journey." Said the first soldier.

We have gotten out that same night in the company of about 15 people. They all rode on horses, while I rode on Saphira. Even if I had begun to feel fatigue, the need of seeing Kiona face to face and asking her why she kidnapped my daughter, kept me going. We had a humongous disadvantage and that was time. I had lost too much of it, time in which I could have already found my daughter.

On our way to exit the vampire part of the world, a few people that I hadn't see in a while appeared, and it made my heart melt. "We came as soon as possible, we couldn't believe that Kiona was so evil-hearted, we want to help you find your daughter Katherine. " Said the only headmaster I have ever had. Headmaster Elizabeth and Sensei Gin had come from The vampire school to help me.

"Thank you..." Was the only thing I could say without bursting into tears. It really touched me and being sincere, seeing them reminded of the times where everything was better.

Headmaster Elizabeth was going to help us a lot. She had a lot of knowledge about elves since she herself got married to one and had a daughter. But they both died in a tragic accident a few years back.

"They are all magical creatures; wizards and witches are half humans and half-elves. They are in some cases more powerful than elves. Elves are the original magical creatures, and they tend to have certain features that make them different from wizards. For example, they have longer ears, brighter eyes, and tanned skin." Headmaster Elizabeth explained.

"My Lady, and why are wizards more powerful than elves?" The first soldier asked. " Because they have no limitations when casting spells due to their human blood. This allows them to be more resistant to more demanding spells." She continued to explain.

"So, wizards are more harmful than elves. But elves are more respected than wizards. Wizards and witches are technically the bastards." My grandmother said.

"Yes, but we should have in mind that both have big resources of power. " Replied Sensei Gin.

" Yes, you are right. We must prepare for the worst. Kiona is an elf but has been trained by the best of them." Said my grandfather.

" I still can't believe Kiona betrayed you, I will beat her up. I'll leave my calmness behind me. I never liked her. But hey, the truth will always prevail." Sensei Gin said.

"Nobody will touch her. She's mine. She's mine to kill." I replied.

I'll make her suffer. A suffering she hasn't felt yet. Until she tells me where my daughter is, she won't find peace.


***Fast Forward***

We had been traveling for three days when we finally arrived at one of the towns populated by only witches and wizards, and a few elves. Elves lived inside the magical world since they were nobles.

Since the moment we stepped in the town, they knew we weren't humans. We were much more. They looked at us with surprise, maybe they thought we couldn't find them or it was their first time seeing someone enter they town besides them.

But I didn't care. I ordered my soldier to kill them all.

We burnt the remaining bodies of about 200 hundred magical creatures, we didn't allow not even one to escape. With the bending abilities I gave my people, it was easier to counteract their powers. And the couple of werewolves that were with us were able to transform into their beasts without having to depend on the full moon.

Perks of having a hybrid Queen.

I was determined to make this race pay for the treacherous act of their leader. I wasn't going to forgive them.

We kept alive a wizard, witch and an elf. My grandparents were keeping them in a warehouse while I saw how my soldiers burnt the remaining bodies. I then went to speak to these creatures.

Just seeing them made my blood boil, it made me remember how many times I had thought Kiona was a friend of mine. A sincere friend. Someone I could trust and depend on. But, it went downhill. And I was never going to forgive her. Not only for kidnapping my daughter but for taking away from me the only true friend that had been at my side, in my worst moments and helped me continue. I blamed her for Angelina's death and I was going to kill every single person she loved in front of her.

I was going to do the same to her, but 100 times worse. And that was a promise.

"The only reason why you have survived is because you're going to be useful to me. If you're not, I won't think twice in breaking your neck. Do you understand?" I said kneeling in front of the chosen survivors.

They all nodded. I could hear their heartbeats. I was satisfied with their fear.

"I have understanding that in a few days, your future Queen, Kiona will be crowned. I was not invited, and I want to give her a surprise. And you will help me and my people enter your world. If not, you will have the same destiny as your fellow neighbors. If you try to backfire at me, I will burn you with it. So, are you willing to do this...for your lives?" I asked.

"Ye-Yes." One of the wizards said. "Alright good. What do we need? " I asked them. " You will need a few things. A spell, which I can give you... If you want... besides that, you will need disguises. Dresses, to fit in...And an invitation...which I don't have the ability to give." One of the wizards said. He was tall, looked like a normal human but his eyes were electric blue. He reminded me of Sepherus.

"Search the houses for a few invitations, we must find some." I said looking at the soldiers. The nodded "How do these invitations look?" I asked.

"They... are not invitations a vampire can find. Only elves can. I can go with you, in exchange for my freedom." The elf said. "Alright. Go with my soldiers. Any weird moves and they will kill you." I said.

I was aware that elves were in some ways more powerful than us, but this elf looked young and inexperienced. I will take advantage of that and their desire to live.

"Grandmother, please find a store and get all of us a dress." I told my grandmother. She nodded.

" What's your name?" I asked the wizard that spoke before. " My name is Nathan and this is Nathalie, my twin sister." She was crying silently, But I knew they were going to be very useful.

" Alright, Nathan and Nathalie, let's get on with the spells. Explain to me about it." I said.

" The spell will allow you to enter the magical world. It's like the key. There are basically two keys, the invitation, and the spell. Since you're vampires and the same time, it will have some different components but I'm sure it will work. I've worked since I was a kid making these invitations, and I've done it before. But there's a catch, as soon as you're in, you'll have about an hour to get out. If not, you'll be stuck in the magical elves world forever." He said.

"Well, it better work. For your sake and ours. " I replied.


Hey guys! Hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for being so late, I've been writing another story, "Nathaniel" if you guys want to go check it out, it's a werewolf genre story, and being sincere I got distracted by it. (Insert shy monkey emoji here). 

I want to thank all of you for the support you have given this story, it has finally reached 5k views and that has made me extremely happy! I hope this story keeps growing as much as "The Hybrid Queen" because that was amazing! 

What do you guys think will happen? 

What do you guys think is Sepherus doing? How will Katherina and Sepherus develop their relationship? Poor Sepherus is being blamed for everything, or is Katherina right? Please leave your thoughts below, I want to see what you guys have for theories! They are always very fun to read. 



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