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"You make me feel Jealous baby"


Wonho was bulking up at the gym, dressed in his signature short shorts and a fitted tank top that was stuck against his abs which were glistening with sweat. He had just finished doing some weights and put them down, making his veins strain in his arms when he stood up and stretched. He saw his instructor walk towards him. 

His instructor was a tanned American guy with a sharp jaw line, brown eyes and light brown wavy hair that Wonho was pretty sure many of the girls here wanted to run their hands through, especially with all the looks he would get every time he was there. His instructor's name was Alex and he was also built with a nice body that stood out aspiring everybody at the gym to get to that level of fitness. The man had near to no fat on his body, it was pure muscle but wasn't the overbearing type. Wonho had no need for an instructor as he was doing well himself but insisted on the extra help from time to time since Alex was a professional.

"Hey man, what's up?" Alex said in his strong accent, giving Wonho a manly hug not seeming to care that he was covered sweat. Wonho returned his greeting and was impressed at how hard Alex's arms felt so he gave them a squeeze before moving back making Alex jump. Unknown to both of them, Hyungwon had accompanied Jooheon to the gym for the day just to get out of the flat and saw the whole exchange happening as he walked in with Jooheon in tow who was talking his ear off. He zoned out Jooheon's ramblings as he stared at the man who had his bulky arms around Wonho and was standing so close to him as they were smiling and talking to one another. 

Wonho laughed off the squeeze, "I just wanted to see how those muscles felt you know, see if I'm close to getting to the same stage as you" he said. Alex shook his head making his hair move in slow motion like he was shooting a hair commercial as he laughed, making Hyungwon curse out loud as he still watched both of them. Jooheon turned around abruptly hearing Hyungwon curse randomly and felt Hyungwon's slim body stumble into his as he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. Jooheon turned his gaze to where his pink haired friend was staring off to and saw what had caught his attention, 'no wonder he's out of it' Jooheon thought in his mind. Jooheon and Hyungwon just stood there behind some machines conveniently watching Wonho interacting with the foreign man that they had yet to figure out was his instructor. 

Alex hit Wonho's arm softly in a joking manner, "C'mon man you've improved so much since you've joined the gym here and the fans seem to go crazy for you so you're doing well, especially those chicks that have been eying you up in the corner there" Alex nodded to the girls in the corner dressed in skimpy gym wear near the changing rooms walking slowly half bouncing on the treadmills trying to look seductive, not realising how silly they looked. Both Wonho and Alex burst out laughing when they made eye contact with the girls then looked back at each other, both thinking the same thought about how ridiculous they looked. They always joked about cringey moments like this in the gym. 

Back in the other corner, Hyungwon grabbed onto Jooheon's arm squeezing it to control himself and not walk over as he misunderstood the situation watching both of them laugh and the stupid guy nod towards the changing rooms trying to be subtle probably hinting at Wonho that they should go on before they started laughing together. Hyungwon's arm loosened a little when he heard his babes beautiful laugh, it was like music to his ears but he tightened his grip on Jooheon again without noticing as he remembered it was a fucker trying to seduce him who was making Wonho laugh. 

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