M'sta X Airlines (part 2)

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Hyungwon and Wonho stood beside each other and Kihyun turned away to get the props. So Wonho started speaking and Hyungwon did the demonstrations.

Wonho started, "firstly, you all have seat belts accessible to each one of you so please strap yourself in when the seatbelt light is on." Hyungwon pointed to the lights on each side to make it clear and moved to sit on a seat which was in front of everyone. Wonho continued, "now, we will demonstrate it for you" he moved towards Hyungwon with a cheeky look in his eyes and went down on his knees in front of him so everyone had a clear view.

He put both of his palms on Hyungwon's knees and slowly went higher up his thighs making Hyungwon close his eyes in pleasure and bite his lip to stay quiet. Wonho moved his hands away from the danger zone and moved them outwards instead grabbing the seatbelt and pulling on it to secure around Hyungwon's hips, brushing his hands against a certain hardness that was pitched in his trousers and buckled him up, touching the belt after and tugging to see if it was secure teasing the other air host with the light brushes each time before he stood up and turned back to the passengers looking innocent like he didn't just sexually tease his colleague.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you buckle your seatbelt so please follow instructions otherwise we will have to assist you." At that point, many of the passengers had made up their minds on wanting the extra assistance with the seat belts. Hyungwon remained seated while Kihyun helped him unbuckle and reached for the next prop needed. He picked up the breathing mask and held it above Hyungwon, Wonho explained the second rule.

"In case of an emergency, you will have breathing masks to assist you if the plane is low on oxygen, they are situated above your head and will fall down automatically when needed." Wonho paused as a cue for Kihyun to drop the mask down a little so it was positioned against Hyungwon's face.

"Please make sure your own mask is secure before helping anyone else" as Wonho said this, Kihyun opened the seat next to Hyungwon's and sat down before reaching for his mask, licking his lips seductively making everyone's eyes linger on his wet lips before pulling the mask on.

Then he turned towards his colleague and moved towards Hyungwon to see if he was okay. Kihyun raised his fingers to Hyungwon's lips, lightly rubbing his thumb against his thick lips which Hyungwon quickly darted his tongue out of and grazed Kihyun's thumb then wrapped his tongue around it and pulled Kihyun's finger into his mouth as he sucked on it making Kihyun groan out loud. Kihyun shifted in his seat as did the other male passengers who were getting aroused by this erotic show. Hyungwon finished a few seconds later with a pop as he moved back, it took a second for Kihyun to get his concentration back before he gripped the air mask and settled it against the lower half of his face, putting it on gently like a lover would checking for any possible issues and sat back down on his seat once assured.

Kihyun bent down to pull a life jacket out from under his seat. Hyungwon got up to narrate what to do if a life jacket had to be used, while Kihyun stood up and approached Wonho holding the jacket. Wonho raised his hands to the opening of his jacket which he wore nothing underneath and flicked the button to undo it. Many of the girls jumped in their seats feeling the powerful flick sensation between their legs, mesmerized by the movement of his strong and thick hands. He pulled his jacket off his broad shoulders slowly, exposing those luscious abs of his and dropped his jacket to the ground, standing tall and proud in his semi nudeness in front of everyone.

Hyungwon cleared his throat, seemingly affected by his colleagues impressive and lickable body. As he spoke, his voice cane out husky "In cases of emergency where the plane is diving down towards sea level, you will have to grab a life jacket which is allocated underneath your seat. You witnessed Kihyun pull his out from under the seat just now. You will have to put the jacket on, you do not have to strip like my colleague just did but you will have to strap it up so it is on you securely. We will demonstrate how to put it on now."

Everyone held their breaths with anticipation, the air held still as the hosts were yet to make a move. Then Kihyun and Hyungwon took a step on either side of Wonho, they both grabbed either side of the jacket, placing the holes near his hands and slowly lifted it up his thick arms, their hands slowly grazing his thick biceps as they went up to his broad shoulders. Wonho stood still, his face blank as they tried to cover up his impressive body. The only thing that gave him away was the still shivers running up his arms and the obvious goosebumps raising on his flawless skin. Once they the jacket was on his shoulders, both Kihyun and Hyungwon moved in front of Wonho, going down on their knees and like they were in a routine they slowly moved up, tracing Wonho's body with their hands going up his thick calves and thighs, squeezing and caressing them. Once they hit the belt line, both men moved their faces closer to Wonho and licked a trace up his abs making him groan out loud. They gave little licks, bites and kisses as they tried to touch every part of his body that wasn't hidden by the jacket. The passengers watched as the scene unfolded and held on to the arm rests when they both attacked his hard nipples with their tongues, lapping at it, swirling their tongues and sucking on the sensitive buds. Wonho arched his back against the sensations of their mouths teasing him in different ways and raised his left hand to hyungwon's head to meld his fingers into his hair and hold him against his pecs telling him not to stop. But it only lasted a few seconds before they both raised themselves, Kihyun looked up at Wonho who grabbed him in return and gave him a quick tantalising kiss before letting him go and reaching for Hyungwon to give an even more intense kiss. They all stepped back breathing heavily, the smell of arousal in the air but they grabbed the jacket belts and tightened them up before they got ahead of themselves and patted the back to see if if anything was loose. The passengers were watching with diluted eyes, feeling the hosts arousal themselves.

Kihyun spoke up, his soft soothing voice filling the cabin. "That's how you put on your life jacket ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all took in that information and enjoyed our demonstrations as much as we did. We will be able to assist you with anything you need, so please call our names if you need us. Oh and before I forget, there's a pocket in front of your seat filled with water, snacks, lube and various small toys that can be used if you need any of our assistance." He finished with a smirk full of sexual intention. "Now please buckle up and we shall be departing in a short moment."


That's the end of M'sta X airlines as you can probably imagine what goes down afterwards and if not, then just imagine what you would want to happen if it existed and you managed to get a ticket for the exclusive airline ;)

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