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Hyungwon shut the door to their bedroom and stalked towards Wonho who was on the other side of the room. The double bed was in between them like a barrier of all the pent up emotions that had been building up over time. Hyungwon was about to cross the bed and go to Wonho but something in his eyes stopped him.

Wonho's eyes were full of emotion, expressing the sadness and hurt he was feeling in that moment. His beautiful, dark eyes were wet with a sheen of unshed tears waiting to let the dam loose but he was stronger than that. He watched Hyungwon, wanting to see how his partner acted after he had expressed his emotions and saw Hyungwon trying to remove any expression from his face, it was his speciality. But Wonho knew him enough to see the hurt that was currently masked by anger at what he had said.

He was proved right when Hyungwon couldn't maintain his quietness and his sassiness came out in full play, he threw his arms in the area quoting after Wonho in disbelief. "I don't care? Huh, you're saying I don't care?" He repeated, his voice getting louder making the atmosphere in the room get tenser. He shook his head, his blonde waves falling onto his face hiding some of his face from Wonho. 

Wonho wanted to reach forward and move the blonde hair aside, out of Hyungwon's eyes and restore the love they felt for each other but he held back, clenching his fists to stay put. His muscles bulged out further against his pale skin, making his body builder like frame bigger and more intimidating which made Hyungwon misunderstand his emotions. Wonho's body suggested that he was angry but his eyes told him that he was going back into his shell to avoid any more heartache. 

'But what heart ache is he feeling?' Hyungwon thought confused in his mind. He decided to voice his thoughts out loud instead of in his mind. He spoke up, trying to keep his voice calm and steady, "whats the matter Wonho? Where did we go wrong? Why would you think I don't care when that's the furthest from the truth baby?"

Wonho's body trembled a little with emotion, watching Hyungwon try to make sense and show that he cared, 'he should know what's wrong God damnit' Wonho thought, 'otherwise what's the point of saying anything.'

But contrary to his thoughts, Wonho couldn't hold back. "Hyungwon, you don't put as much effort in any more, we hardly get time to sneak into each other's rooms while on tour and have a cuddle or spend time together when we have the chance. And those new 'friends' you've been making while you've been DJ-ing are spending too much time with you and in your personal space." Wonho spat out in the end, his jealousy rearing it's head into the situation.

He continued, not seeing Hyungwon's expression change into disbelief. "That guy you were performing with was hitting on you the entire time, since you guys met and started remixing together. I know he's a big shot and you like foreign men, I mean who doesn't but you allowed him to flirt with you in front of everyone and were your usual cocky type, just basking in his attention. Did you not think once about how I felt? Every night when I was chilling in my room, I was always of edge knowing you were down the hall from me and that you would come in to spend time with me because that's what couples want. Every time my door opened, I would feel my heart skip a beat in wanting and anticipation to see your face again after a long days work but it was hardly ever you. Just yesterday I.M walked in and I was so excited thinking it was you that I couldn't hold up my facade any longer after he saw my face drop and gave me a pitying look. I don't want to ask you for company, I want you to willingly give it to me and actually want to see me, even if it's for a minute." Wonho mumbled near the end, feeling his emotions draining his body and mind. He knelt against the bed, sitting on the edge with his back hunched, rested his head in between his palms distressed. 

Hyungwon had been watching and listening to Wonho the entire time but he had not once taken in Hyungwon's expressions reacting to everything coming out of his mouth. Hyungwon sighed seeing Wonho's deflated figure and knew that Wonho was emotional but he would always hold back and try to make others happy. So he knew that if Wonho was breaking down now, that it had been building up for awhile and now that he thought about it, he realised the small signs Wonho had been throwing and situations where he was more reserved, waiting for Hyungwon to make a move.

Hyungwon didn't want his love to feel sad, he knew that he had to console him and get their emotions cleared up so they understood each other. He hated seeing him like this, Wonho was always so smiley and jolly lightening up the mood.

Hyungwon moved lightly towards Wonho, turning the corner of the bed shaking his head at the fact that they had been arguing the entire time with the damn thing between them. He felt like kicking it but refrained, it would only jolt Wonho and make it seem like he was crazy.

He sat on the bed and lifted his legs, putting one behind Wonho and the other on the floor so Wonho was trapped but cushioned between his long thin legs. Hyungwon moved Wonho's hands away from his face, grasping his thick forearms in his smooth hands and placing them on his thighs maintaining physical contact that he had been desiring this entire time.

Wonho lifted his head and looked Hyungwon in the eyes, searching for some semblance of the emotions he felt towards him. Wonho leaned his forehead against Hyungwon's who let out a shaky breath wanting to press his lips up against his lovers but knew that some stuff had to be said first.

"Look Wonho, I really want to cuddle with you now but we need to clear up what you said. Firstly, the jealousy, you know it's just jealousy and that it isn't an actual threat because I would never do that to you and fair enough I was cocky but I'm like that to everyone, even my mum and dad, they raised me to be me after all but as much attention either of us may receive means nothing at the end of the day because you're handsome too, especially with those muscles, c'mon you get more attention than me. I want you to know that I'll make it clear from now on to any one who openly flirts with me if that makes you more comfortable-"

Wonho cut him off, raising his hand to caress his babe's cheek, "I know I know, you wouldn't ever hurt me like that but the lack of attention and affection recently made me feel insecure. I'm proud of you for the whole DJ position you achieved now and you're sexy so obviously I can't do anything but feel proud about that too" Wonho ended with a wobbly smile feeling happy yet still a bit sad now that they were openly talking about everything.

Hyungwon let out a little relieved laugh, seeing Wonho returning back to his usual self and forced himself to say whatever else he wanted to before he got distracted. He gave Wonho a quick sweet kiss on the lips and moved back straight away so Wonho couldn't continue what he had started. Hyungwon continued, "never say that I don't care again" which did it's trick in stalling Wonho from trying to be cheeky.

"I'll always care for you, even when I'm the angriest or the happiest, that factor will stay the same. We've been busy with touring and promoting so we haven't had a chance to have intimate moments together since I felt like having some personal time with myself recently but that's not in a negative way, I still see you during the day and I want to spend time with you so I'll put in more effort but if you want then don't feel shy coming to me and whisking me away" he ended, moving his hands steadily up Wonho's thick neck holding his face steadily right in front of his with barely an inch between them. 

Hyungwon tempted Wonho by whispering against his lips, "understood?" He asked huskily feeling his pouty lips rub Wonho's soft ones briefly before feeling them push against his roughly taking that as a yes.

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