How To Put Together A School-Bag Beauty Kit

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Chances are you're not allowed to wear make-up at school, but there's nothing wrong with looking good while you're there. You certainly won't want to drag around a tonne of make-up with you, but there are a few things worth taking with you.

In The Bag

Grab yourself a pretty little bag you store your stash in - nothing too big - something the size of a pencil case will do perfectly. Now you are ready to collect the following items:

• A mini mirror - great for checking how you're looking and carrying out close-up beauty repairs, and also perfect for seeing what's going on behind you in class.

• A pack of tissues for blotting shiny skin and, um, wiping a runny nose.

• A lipsalve is great for keeping lips soft and smooth. Choose the cream type that comes in a little tube. You can also rub a tiny dot into your nails and cuticles to keep them strong.

• Medicated spot cover - essential if your skin's prone to sudden break-outs.

• A mini make-up brush - use it to apply spot cover - using your fingers will just spread infection.

• Pop in a pot of petroleum jelly or a tube of clear mascara - great for adding subtle definition to eyelashes and brows without a teacher noticing you're wearing make-up.

• A mini hairbrush will keep you neat and tidy. Wind a couple of hair elastics round the handle of your brush in case you want to swish your hair back into a ponytail later on.

• Carry a couple of pretty hair clips so you can add pizzazz in an instant.

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