S I X - M O N T H S

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Elliott Rose,

time needs to slow down, because today, you are
officially HALFWAY to ONE.

I can't believe it

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I can't believe it. I also can't believe that it's March, which means playoffs are right around the corner.
It's that time of year where daddy gets a little more
stressed & our lives become a little bit more CRAZY.

my sweet girl,you are 6 months old, you weigh 17 pounds, you sit up on your own,& you are 100% a daddy's girl

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my sweet girl,
you are 6 months old,
you weigh 17 pounds,
you sit up on your own,
& you are 100% a daddy's girl.

{ oh hi, you guys are T W I N S }

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{ oh hi, you guys are T W I N S }

while I'm at work you & daddy send me the funniest videos, & have a blast spending quality time together. the days that daddy doesn't have morning skate or if he has a rare off day are the best because you get to come have lunch with me! { they're even better when I also have the day off! }

Ellie, you | L O V E | spending time in the bathtub or really just in water in general. our kitchen sink is so big that you like to splash around in it while I make dinner.

 our kitchen sink is so big that you like to splash around in it while I make dinner

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el, you are the shining ⭐️ in our life.
daddy & I are so P R O U D to be your parents.

I'd love to say that you are my mini-me, but that's not true

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I'd love to say that you are my mini-me, but that's not true. you are the perfect mix of both daddy & I, & by that I mean you have daddy's looks & my personality. now if you also got my brain & his athletic ability you'll be set. 😉

lately I've noticed that your hair is lighting up a tad bit, so it's possible that you'll be a little blonde headed babe at some point

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lately I've noticed that your hair is lighting up a tad bit, so it's possible that you'll be a little blonde headed babe at some point.. speaking of your hair, you have SO much of it !!{ you got that from daddy }

 speaking of your hair, you have SO much of it !!{ you got that from daddy }

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we love you forever & a day kiddo.
you are perfect, & I cannot imagine life without you in it. slow down on the whole growing up thing pretty please? I love you.
- your mama 💋

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