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four days ago, on
NOVEMBER 5, 2021
you became a big sister.
as a family we welcomed
into this world.

bubba weighed in at 8 lbs & 11 ozhe's 22 inches long, has big feet like your daddy,sandy blonde hair, big brown eyes& is absolutely perfect

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bubba weighed in at 8 lbs & 11 oz
he's 22 inches long,
has big feet like your daddy,
sandy blonde hair, big brown eyes
& is absolutely perfect.

Max, unlike you El, came into this world a little late

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Max, unlike you El, came into this world a little late.
• f o u r • days past his original due date, he quickly & without warning decided late one Thursday night that he was ready to join our family. thankfully, he waited until daddy was done playing his hockey game!

 thankfully, he waited until daddy was done playing his hockey game!

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{ Max showed up a few days after this picture }

Bubba is a big, healthy boy,
who came into this world safely
& that's all that matters.

you absolutely adore him, baby girl

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you absolutely adore him, baby girl.
always watching over him, touching him, & asking
to help daddy & I with anything baby Max needs.

you love to watch him sleep, sing him lullabies, & to tell him stories

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you love to watch him sleep,
sing him lullabies,
& to tell him stories.

it has only been four { long } days, but you are already the best big sister

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it has only been four { long } days,
but you are already the best big sister.

Max is very lucky to have you, El, & so are we.

Daddy & I are so blessed to be parents to twohappy, healthy, & beautiful kids

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Daddy & I are so blessed to be parents to two
happy, healthy, & beautiful kids.

{ first doctors's appointment, all is PERFECT }

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{ first doctors's appointment, all is PERFECT }

we love you both so much,
your blessed mama 💋

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