14- "Let's take it slow."

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"But there should be."

It's all I wanted.
I've never met a girl so perfect with all her flaws. So outgoing in her own quiet way. So unique, and stands out, but not to the point where she is a strange person, she's just right.
A girl that seemed to fit so perfectly against my chest and in my arms. Who's lips felt so perfect on my own. Whose fingers fit so perfectly between mine.
A girl who made me feel like this. Who made me feel like there was no wrong only right when I'm with her.
A girl who made me feel a responsibility; a responsibility to her. To never let her cry. To make her feel safe. To always make her smile.
A responsibility to love and care. To give her my whole heart.
And I would give sam my heart but the problem is she had already stolen it.

"Ok." She whispered close to my face.

"Ok?" I purked, "Really?"

Sam nodded and again pressed her lips to mine. "But..."

Oh no. Not but.

"Never mind." She choked. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach her 'but' would come out by the end of the night.

Sam and I sat on my bed, her in my arms, just taking in the nothing for hours.
Sam fell to a light doze until night fell. When she woke she said,

"Hayes there can be an us, well sorta an us, but..."

"But what?" I asked

"Let's take it slow. Ok?"

"Yeah." I slowly let her feet slip back to the ground, "Slow. Ok."

"Thank you Hayes." She stood on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

What does that mean? Are we not official then?
I shouldn't be worried. If anything I should be relived. I don't know the first thing about commitment or a relationship. What am I suppose to do?
I'll learn. I'll show Sam the kind of boyfriend I can be. A good one. An honest one. The best one.
I'll take things slow.
No big deal. She's just a girl. One that I get to kiss whenever I want. Someone I can hook up with. It's not a relationship. I don't do relationships. No feelings... just someone I really care about. But can't be with. That wouldn't be right... but when I do I ever do what's right?
Maybe I secretly do have feelings for. Such a secret I don't even know.

I leaned in to kiss Sam's lips again. Her hand stopped me by pushing against my chest.

"Hayes," she stopped my lips from reaching hers, "slow means slow."

"So.. I can't kiss you?"

She shook her head.

•••SAMS POV•••

I pulled away from his lips, although I silently begged myself not to, that wasn't taking things slow. If I wanted to keep myself from being hurt, not matter how much I wanted to, I had to go slow.

"I can't kiss you?" he asked.

I shook my head. His face dropped, as did my heart.

"I better go." He softly said "School tomorrow." He kissed my head and left.

I went to my room and flopped back on my bed. I looked at the clock to read my clock, 11:30.
I pulled myself under my covers and closed my eyes, mentally preparing for school tomorrow.
Had two months really gone by that fast?

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