Chapter 5

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I looked at John in pure shock. I started to feel dizzy. Nothing made sense right now. Humans are scared of the unknown because well, we're humans. The dizziness hit harder now and I felt like I was going to throw up. Wait. I quickly slipped away from John and made it to the side of the school a couple feet away. I put my hand on the rough wall and bent over. Then the vile taste came. My stomach was rumbling and I was still pretty dizzy. It sucked the energy right out of me. I let out a groan and now John was walking over. Black spots staring filling my vision until all was nothing. Until all was black.

I rustled in the little bed until I opened my eyes. I rubbed them and they watered so I rubbed them again. I still felt sick from earlier but was able to get in control of my body again. I heaved a sigh and a stretch to see the low dimmed lights coming through the little window. I was in a hospital bed, a little comfortable bed under the blankets. It had lined lavender flowers to match the lavender walls I suppose. A small counter with the cabinets above, like in a doctors office. Actually I think this was a medical room. I got up and stretched again then headed for the door. When I walked out the floor let out a small creak making me jump. I found myself in an elegant hallway of a house. It was a soft yellow with wood trim, some paintings on the wall, a small table with yellow flowers in a vase. I walked down the hall to enter a luxurious living room. It was fantastic! White walls, a huge white couch, a flatscreen TV, and a beautiful fireplace under the TV. It had a walk way right to the kitchen were you could see from here. The tiger wood floors were polished and the table was set with amazing silverware. I was admiring the beauty when I heard a door creak. I stopped in my steps and turned around to see John leaning against a wall looking at me.

"Hi" he said.

"Um, hi. Where am I?"

He let out a small chuckle and walked forward.

"It's where you need to be, also known as my pack house. For the werewolves."

The first thing that popped into my mind was my mother. I had to push the wolf thoughts away and just blow it off.

"I need to get home, my mother will be worried and I have a lot of homework to do."

"Please, I can explain tomorrow morning if you just stay the night, we have guest rooms. Just skip school, your ahead of your assignments anyway right? I would be willing to contact your mom and say that your staying the night at a friends house then just ask a friend to say your going to their house."

He gave me puppy dog eyes and a smile. That sure was a mouthful. I couldn't resist. I barely knew him but I felt close to him. Actually to close. Almost unbelievably close. A shiver ran down my back and I took a deep breathe.

"Ashton, why would I stay the night with someone I just met today?"

His face turned expressionless then into a thinking face. His thinking face was cute. 'Luna push that away push it away!!!' Finally he opened his mouth.

"Because I said I would explain in the morning and I know that you feel the trust to."

He gulped. 'Was he supposed to say that?' We stood in an awkward silence until I broke it.

"Fine. Show me to my room please."

His eyes lit up and began walking down the hall quickly. When you turned the corner there were giant stairs that went up and up. "This place is huge..." My mouth gaped in aw. "Well its meant to hold 98 people so with you 99!" My mouth became wider. They were so close to the three digits!" He guided me up the stairs to a large room. When I walked in I was surprised by the beauty. It was a nice golden color, everything matched. I ran and belly flopped on the bed, finally a comforter thats not scratchy! I let out a soft sigh of relief then sat up to see Johns beautiful eyes lit up, their was a smile on his face as he watched me do my little childish play. I smiled back which made him smile more. I knew I was going to end up blushing so I broke our silence. "Clothes?" He walked over to the closet and opened it. Inside were many, many women's clothing in all different sizes. "Like I said its a guest room and its a girl guest room so wear anything you like from in the closet. The pants are in the dressers along with the pa-" he stopped himself and let out a playful smile. "You know" he said. Now my cheeks were a bright red. "Thank you" I said with a smile. "Your welcome. If you need anything i'm right downstairs." I nodded and watched him leave shutting the door behind him. I saw a telephone and decided to put the plan into action. I called Samantha, her parents were out of town so this would work perfectly. It ringed a couple times until I heard a hello?

"Hey Samantha it's me Luna."

"Oh hey! Whats up?"

"I wanted to ask a favor of you, if thats okay."

"Sure!" She was really chirpy right now. Thank God.

"Can you maybe pretend that i'm staying the night at your house tonight? But don't tell anyone?"

There was a long pause on the phone.

"Yea. Why though?"

"I'll tell you later. I kind of have to go but I promise that I will tell you."

"Mmkay. Bye Luna!"

"Bye thank you."

I hung up. Part two of the plan.

I dialed my moms number then it rung.

"Hello this is Catherine speaking."

"Hey mom it's me."

"Luna where are you!? I've been worried sick! I called you and texted you!

I bit my lip. "Im so sorry mom i'm at Sams house." I paused. "For a sleep over."

"Oh. Well have fun then!"

"Bye. I love you! And don't bother picking me up from school tomorrow I have a ride."

"Okay I love you to! Have fun!"

I hung up. The plan worked! Yes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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