~Im sorry Annie~

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~Hayden Summerall~
I felt bad for Annie, I mean Katie took it to far. I'm done. I can't believe I wasted my fucking time with Katie. Damn I'm so blind. I didn't see how pure evil, shitty, bratty and stupid she really is.
I go up to Mr Peter to ask to go to the bathroom.
"Hey Mr Peter, may I go to the bathroom?" I ask politely, he usually doesn't let 2 people go at once but I really had to.
"Sure Mr Summerall, here's your hall pass" he smiles
I grab the hall pass.
I wasn't actually going to the bathroom.
I was going to find Annie.
Right before I walked out, I saw Katie giving me the death stare. I just shook my head and walked out.
I couldn't find Annie anywhere until I tripped on someone's shoe.
"Sorry" the girl with her head down muffles.
"It's o-"
"Annie!?" I continue.
"Yeah, why? Are you gonna bully me too?" She said scared with her head tucked in her legs holding on the letter Katie gave her.
"No no no I would never" I said slouching down next to her.
She shook her head in disappointment.
I shook it off.
"I'm really sorry about Katie I never realized of how much of a bitch she really is" i look down
"Yeah, whatever" she gave me attitude.
"Annie?" I ask
"What" sass again.
"Why do you hate me?" I look up at her, she's still looking down.
"I don't hate you" she looks up at me and looks back down.
"You seem like you do" I continue
"Well that's only because your dating a girl that bully's me and you go along with it" she sounds angrier
"No I don't" I shook my head
"Yes, you do, johnny told me" she looks back up with tears in her eyes.
"Johnny told you?" I said getting a little mad, not at her but at Johnny
"Yeah, he said that when Katie called me a bitch, slut or whatever you went along with it, and you called me a slut..." a tear drops down her cheek again.
Then in that moment I remember.
Oh my god. I'm such a fucking idiot.
"Annie..." I continue
"Save it, the damage is done."she shakes her head again
"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"It means, just don't talk to me, especially if your dating a asshole who is ruining my life more then it already is" she walks away.
"Annie wait!" I call for her name
She doesn't play around, she kept on walking.
I grabbed her wrist and spun her around.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for agreeing with Katie with all the shit she said about you, I'm sorry that I'm such a douche I'm really sorry! I miss you! Ok? That's why I act like a complete asshole because I'm dreading myself, I miss you, I miss you as a best friend, I-i-i miss you as my crush. I just wanted you to know that" at this point I was crying.
"I missed you too" she was crying too.
She ran.
I don't know where but, she's hurting, and part of it is my fault. I slouch back down. Now I was the one crying.
I walk back in to class finally.
"Mr Summerall, that took quit awhile didn't it?" Mr Peter looks at me with a slight smirk
"I'm really sorry I just got lost in my thoughts" I lie.
"It's ok, by any chance do you have any idea where Annie went? She left for the bathroom 20 minutes ago and she still isn't back" mr Peter sounds worried.
"Oh yeah ummm she uh wanted me to tell you that she isn't feeling well so she went home" I lie, but I did it for Annie.
"Oh ok, thank you Hayden" Mr Peter pats my back
"No problem" I say, walking back to my seat.
~Annie Leblanc~
I ran.
I don't know where.
I just ran.
I ended up reaching home.
I slammed the door shut and ran up to my room.
"Annie!? Are you ok?! Annie!?" Paige yells, washing the dishes.
I finally reply.
"Ya! I'm just uh not feeling well, I um threw up at school!!!" I yell before closing my door shut.
"Oh ok!!! Do you need anything!?" Paige yells back
"No!! I'm just gonna rest for now!!!" Then I close my door.
I say at the seat in front of my window, I grabbed my journal and a pen and started to write.
"Things are hard, take life for example. Life is a combination of everything: fun, boring, weird, scary, beautiful and so much more but then comes sadness, and bullying, why? Why me!? Why am I the one!? Why am I the one who is getting bullied!? Why!? If only Caleb was here, he'd help me with everything. Right now he'd probably be giving me a pep talk. It is what it is."
After writing in my journal, I lie on my bed and stare at my ceiling, thinking about : Hayden, Johnny, Katie, school" my thoughts got interrupted by Paige, she was knocking on my door.
"Yes?" I ask
"Johnny is here! He wants to talk to you!" Paige muffles through the door.
"What? It's 2! Shouldn't he be at school?" I was confused
"Annie, it's 5 pm" Paige laughs.
Oh. Whoops. Time really does fly
"I'm coming!!" I scream.
I walk down the stairs and I see Johnny!
"Hey Anns" Johnny smiles.
"Hey John" I smile slightly
"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk, you know so we can talk?" Johnny was fidgeting.
"Sure let me just grab a sweater"
"Ok" Johnny smiles again
We walk out the door, and Johnny asks me
"So? Are you ok? I'm really sorry about the note Katie gave you she is such a bitch" Johnny clutched his fists
"It's ok joh- wait? How'd you know about that?" I was slightly frightened.
"Oh Hayden..he uh exposed Katie in front of everybody..he told everyone about the note and everybody just started laughing at him" Johnny trails off.
"Oh" I look down.
"I guess no one believed him" I continue
"Nope, but Hayden and Katie broke up" Johnny slightly smiles.
I laugh a little.
We stop at the end of a street and it starts to rain. We were in front of Johnny's house and he told me he'd give me a ride home in his care since it's pouring
"Actually John can you just give me an umbrella, I have some thinking to do" I fidget with my fingers.
"Sure one sec" he walks in his house
A few seconds later Johnny walks out with an umbrella for me.
"Here!" He hands it to me.
"Thanks John." I say while opening up the umbrella.
"Bye Anns!"
"Bye John" we hug.
I start walking and 3 mins into my walk I see Hayden sitting on a bench. He looks upset.

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