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~Annie Leblanc~
Sometimes Rain means sadness.
Rain can mean to be happy and dance in the rain.
It can mean depression.
It can mean anything really.
Right now, well I'm walking in the rain, sad.
I reach the drug mart.
I see Hayden.
I try to hide myself in my champion hoodie and put my head down trying not to be seen.
I bop my head up and down a few times trying to find the blades.
Ah, there it is.
Same isle as Hayden.
I notice what he's buying.
I don't know why.
He picked up a few items like shaving cream and all that.
As I, pick up a pack of blades.
I sigh at the thought of this is what life is coming down too.
I'm not going do cut deep.
Just a few.
It's sadly the only option I got right now.
I pay and walk out, hearing footsteps behind me.
~Hayden Summerall~
I went to the drug store to get my mind off things and to pick up a few things.
I notice a girl in a pink champion hoodie, kinda like mine but in girls.
This girl, she looked familiar.
She put her hood up trying not to be seen.
I notice her.
I keep my eyes on her for some odd reason.
She picked up some BLADES.
That's not ok.
I watch her as she pays and walks out.
I decide to drop my things and follow.
"Excuse me!" I tap champion hoodie girl's shoulder.
"Yeah?" The girl looks up with tear stains planted on her cheeks.
It was Annie.
I could've broken into a million pieces right this second.
She looked shocked realizing it was me.
"Annie-" she rudely cut me off.
"It's Julianna to you" she scoffed, walking away
I stopped her. I had too.
"An-Julianna what are you doing?" My voice cracked.
"Why do you care? No one cares. No one should. I'm just a loser. You're a popular kid. In society popular kids shouldn't be polite to losers like me." I could hear it in her voice , she was about to cry. I can't blame her.
"Annie, I'm sorry! Ok? I fucked up, I fucked up your life. We used to be close! I fucked that up too! All for Katie! She's full of shit! I know that! I didn't mean anything I said to you today, I was just angry at myself! I miss you! I mean it. I don't care about popularity anymore. I j-just care about you!" I was crying too. I couldn't even breathe in what I was trying to say.
"Hayden. It's not just you! I mean yeah I hate you right now but that's just for now. I hate Katie with all my heart. And I mean that. I hate my parents. I ha-te m-m-my life!" And with that she ran.
I couldn't just let her run.
Especially not when she is about to do something that isn't necessary.
I ran after her.
I ran the fastest I've ever ran.
I catch up.
There she was...

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