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~Annie Leblanc~
"We're here!" I hear Tisha squeal as I start to wake up.
"W-what?" I say, slowly yawning.
"Oh sorry sweetie! We're here now." Tisha says getting out of the car.
I follow.
There was this big building that said
Summerall Therapeutic Program (S.T.P)
Wow, never heard of this.
Tisha hands me my luggage for the 10 week program and brings me to my room.
It was kinda like a dorm in college.
I actually hate this.
I think Tisha could feel my hate for this place.
"Annie, don't worry. You'll have a roommate!" Tisha smiles handing me a key motioning me to open my dorm.
I open it up and it looks pretty decent.
Living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and 2 rooms.
"Program officially starts in 2 days" Tisha says walking out.
Ok then.
I hear a voice from a different room coming to me.
"Hi!" This girl says, hugging me.
She had brownish, black hair.
Brown eyes.
With a bracelet on her left wrist that said "S.T.P/green"
"Hey!" I say, trying to sound as happy as possible.
"My name is Indiana Massara, yours?!" She says going to the counter of the kitchen grabbing a bracelet just like hers but except it says "S.T.P/red"
"Juliana Leblanc, but please call me Annie" I smile.
"Annie, I like that name." Indiana says, smiling, putting the bracelet on my wrist.
She stops.
"You cut?" She asks.
"Used to. That's basically why I'm in here." I say looking down onto my wrists.
" oh, that's ok. Same." She says giving me a big smile, once again putting the bracelet on my wrist.
"Why does mine say red and yours say green?" I question, motioning to her bracelet.
" oh that? That's because I've been in here for 10 months and I've been doing well with my therapy, so my bracelet is green. Since your just starting your bracelet says red because obviously you haven't had made progress since you haven't started. Then, there's orange which means your progress is well but you haven't been sharing as much as you should be. Make sense?" She finishes.
I nod.
She shows me around the "dorm".
"And here's your room! I tried decorating it for you! I hope you like it!" She says showing me my room.
It looked ok.
"Thanks" I smile.
I'm now questioning why I'm here.
I close my dorm room and sigh.
If I don't make progress I could be kept here longer then I should be.
How do I make progress when I don't like talking about my feelings?
How do I make progress without breaking down into my brains own little world of sadness and despair?
How do I make progress with all these humble people who don't seem like they even need to be here?
Forward or onward movement forward a destination.
Whatever, I guess?
I fucking hate this place already.
Not because of the people who are put in here.
But because of the people that put me here.
~Hayden Summerall~
I decided that I'm going to text Annie.
I never really liked Katie.
I only started dating her was to get my mind off of Annie, obviously that didn't work.
I broke up with Katie, I told her why I dated her. She hates my guts, but I couldn't care less.
Hayden💔- hi... I know you hate me and I see why, I dated Katie right after taking our break. It was a very shitty move and I take back all of it. The only reason I started dating Katie again was to get my mind off you, that didn't work. It never will work. I want you and only you. Katie is out of the way.. kinda? But I can't let her hurt our relationship by making up lies. Please Annie, I love you💞
Annie💘- no offence, but it's a little to late.
Annie💘-I started cutting my wrists again because of you, and Katie. Paige died in a car accident! I'm broken! Nothing left from me. Only a little string of hope that can barely hold me up. Guess where I am now? Your mom's therapeutic program, yeah that's right my parents put me here to make sure they don't lose me. They monitor my skin like all the fucking time! It's like school for sad, depressed people. So thank you for putting me in "Summerall Therapeutic Program". Let Katie know too!🙄
Hayden💔- omg Annie I didn't mean to hurt you like that! I love you! I never realized how much I loved you till I lost you. I'm lost without you. I'm a mess without you.
Annie💘- now you know how it feels, Playerall.
Annie💘- get a taste of your own medicine.
*read by Annie at 5:34 pm*

I hate myself.

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