Monster!tom x reader (fluff)

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Question of the post: do you play any instruments? If so what ?"

(Y/N) had moved to London last year to follow her aspirations of becoming a (job). She had been living with a group of overly energetic 20 somethings all with their own quirks, the was edd the sweet and wholesome cola addict who you could tell anything next The was matt a rather scatter brained bloke who would marry his own reflection if he could then The was tord a rather threading Nordic gentleman with an affinity for weapons and love of henti finally The was tom, a black eyed alcoholic and the thief who stole
(Y/N)'s heart and keeper of a secret, a secret (y/n) had seen first hand but she loved him regardless of this. It was a late night on a frosty Friday in October and (y/n) was sat on her bed turning her violin and playing soft melodies, deep in thoughts as she played she failed to spot the door open and a black eyed and purple horned boy stager into her room. (Y/n) looked up and jumped slightly in surprise as he sat down beside her and stared intently at her waiting for her to continue playing, (y/n) recognised toms desire for the music and so resumed play. (Y/N) focused all energy into the sound closeting her eyes and letting it fill her soul, then she was disrupted again by the feeling of a small collection of weight sprawled across her lap she took her violin away from her neck and looked down to see a content and Affectionate Thomas laid across her lap stareing up into (y/n)'s eyes like an adorning kitten. (Y/n) looked down into toms eyes and couldn't deny the call to hold and cuddle the black and purple monster boy, and so she did bringing her arm under him and pulling tom up into a lose and loving embrace she then allowed to dopey and infatuated boy to return to his post in (y/n)'s lap ware she then pet toms hair patently like how one would pet a relaxed cat and tom purred in gratitude at her. As time went by (Y/N) grew sleepy and inevitably dosed off and fell the weight lift from her lap only to feel herself be lifted and carried into presumably toms Room, tom then laid his sleeping love into his bed before joining her hooking his arms around her as though he feared she may vanish without being secured and so both (y/n) and tom slept in the secure embrace of each other.

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