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Tom is not always an outwardly affectionate person but when Matt and edd are nowhere to be seen you see a more tender, emotional side, tom likes to be a securing feature, holding you firmly but not forcefully to His chest, so he knows you're safe and not going anywhere, your comfort and safety brings him comfort.

Matts a colossal cry baby no matter the situation, he's tender and whiny but you can see the redeeming qualities, even if you have to wait through the vanity and over sensitivity, you know that under that there's a soft boy who loves cuddles, he finds it relaxing to be in your arms regardless of how you're sat. He kinda resembles ringo in that way.

Edd has always been flexible when it comes to romantic activities, it depends on mood however after a long day one of the fastest ways to settle Edd has been to sit on the bed with you between his legs, telling you all about his day while he plays with your hair. Finds it therapeutic to braid it. 

Tord definitely likes to be a dominating factor in your life and when it comes to affection he's no different. He likes to have a firm grasp on you at all times, but not so harsh it hurt, he's unusual that way. But you've always enjoyed it

Tam is like a coconut, black eyed and tough on the outside but much like a coconut she's soft and brittle inside, and when the world gets to be too much she finds solace in curling up with her head in your lap and letting you pet her hair. She doesn't do it often so it's always magical when it happens, but you understand and you savour those moments.

Ell gets quite grouchy at times and when this happens there's almost always one thing on her mind, you. When these horrid days come around ell is fixing to get a hold of you, there's something so settling about you to her, it always makes fixes her day to just get an hour to sit with you in her arms and mess with your hair.

Matti is really needy, like absurdly so. But you don't mind, you enjoy having the fire haired girl in your arms, rambling away, it brings you comfort to have that sort of effect in some and Matilda wasn't about to start complaining.

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