Monster!edd x reader

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It was a warm summer afternoon and a bored (y/n) was laid haphazardly sprawled across the sofa her mind a buzz with concerns as her best friend of eight years had failed to return from his venture out for a fair few hours. But (y/n)s distress was soon replaced by a fresh hell when an evidently inebriated edd stumbled through the house door but something wasn't quite right with him. It was something about the way edd looked that confused and concerned (y/n) but when the brunette brits eyes locked with hers that she realised, edd had monster horns. (Y/n) suddenly became much more alarmed and so she sprang to life and desperately attempted to scramble away. These actions hurt edd before he realised why the girl he cared so strongly for (feelings (y/n) was not aware of). Animal instincts took over edds mind as grabbed the now crying (y/n) and carried her up to his room as he felt it was the safest place for her even if (y/n) didn't agree. Edd reached his room and swiftly closed and barricaded the door with the nearby dresser as though he was paranoid someone my get in or was it that he did not want his precous (y/n) to escape, this is all (y/n) could think of as the afectionate monster boy set her down gently upon the soft and spingy surface of the bed. finaly satified woth how secure his room was edd ?crawled onto the bed and grabed the now terified (y/n) "w-what are yo-you doing eddie ?" the shakeing girl stuttered as she stared deeply into the monter boys deep green and afectonate orbs and edd start back into her soul. without words edd pulled the still cowering girl into his lap, wrapped his arms around her and resting his head onto hers.      (y/n)s nervousness faded as she began to find edds embrace comfortable, this made edds big monster heart even lighter as he knew she, girl he loved didn't reject him and might even understand. What felt like hours passed by as the monster boy and the sweet young girl shared their warm embrace and reality began to slip away as the two dosed off but not before they got their last word  got in one last word "I love you (y/n)" edd mumbles his voice rough but clear, "I love you too Eddie" the (y/n) muttered finally glad to have confessed her feelings for the brunette monster boy.

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