You lose some, You Win some pt. 2

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Maddie and I both rolled our eyes playfully in unison. "Perfect." I responded in sarcastically. "Just peachy" I said giving Maddie a giving look.


  "Is that some sort of lesbian joke?" Aiden asked in a joking manner. Bay shoved him in the shoulder lightly. "What I do?" He laughed before pecking her right cheek. They we're a really cute couple not like in a show-off way like most couple in high school. They we're just simply perfect together like nothing forced it just as natural as breathing with them. There was Bay who was just simply beautiful like the no make-up "I woke up like this flawless" look. She was  around 5'6 and her  golden hair fell to the middle of her back it was in tight spirals, She had these big brown eyes. There wasn't anything that just particular stood out about her she was just pretty perfect Not in an "I'm so hot look at me" way just simply perfect. Aiden was Around 5'10 with honey blonde hair cut short with light greenish hazel eyes I don't know why but they just complimented each other so well.

"Soo have you guys seen the new kid yet?" Madison asked casually. Maddie and I  both shook our heads no. "Somebody's a little obsessed" Nick said wiggling his eyebrows at Madison. She ignored him and went on, "Oh.My.Gosh! Em, He's so pretty I want to cry!" She said in a cheery voice. I giggled at Madison they all joined in. "I'm not obsessed by the way." She told Nick. "I just showing my appreciation to God's gift to women." She announced commically.

"So where is 'God's gift to women'?" I asked mockingly. "How should I know?" she replied obviously upset that she didn't know. "Oh I just figured you knew since you're practically stalking him" I snickered. "Okay, let's get something straight I don't even know his name so I sure as hell don't like him." "Good." Nick added now grinning at Madison. This making Madison blush. They had been out on a few dates here and there, but they weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend.

The school bell rang I stood up "Well, I'm off to make nice with God's gift to women." I announced winking at  Madison and giving them all smug smile before heading to class.

 The rest of day went by pretty quickly I still hadn't seen "The New Kid"or "God's gift to women." I had heard a few people talking about him though. All the girls taking about how hot, cute, sexy etc.. the list just keeps going on honestly. There had also been talk that he was trying-out for the football team, but first he had to get his schedule change. So he wouldn't be in class today considering the line for schedule changes filled up the main academic hallway. 

I went to the soccer field 7th period. Which was nearly empty but I walk pretty fast so I was often the first one there. So I didn't expect anyone to be there for the first few minutes, So just imagine how my surprise when suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind pulling me up off the ground spinning me around. Finally my aggressor put me down, after I screamed profanities at them.

  I turned around to get a look at them "Oh my god!" I gasped. "Ch..Chelsea is that you?" I whispered screamed. Chelsea has been a good friend of mine since we got into soccer when we were both 6. Her family went on a cruise to the Caribbean over the summer. So I hadn't seen her since the end of freshman year. Boy did she change over the summer she had got her braces off, grew like 2 inches at least since she was now my height and obviously had filled out in all the right places.

She nodded her head up and down,"Yes, it is I Chelsea Reynolds." She beamed, doing an old timey curtsy. "New and improved" she added, using her right hand to flick her flowy blonde hair off her shoulder dramatically. 

   Soon our coach went over his expectations for the year. Our team goals and passed paper work we had to fill out to be on the team. After he was finished we had the rest of the period to talk. So Chelsea took the time to tell me all about the cruise and guys she met and apparently how her dad got angry about her finally hitting puberty, and blamed her mom so they started fighting. I was tearing up from laughing by the time she was.

Soon the end of school bell rang so we walked to the football field looking for my brother who was my ride home. But on our way there I noticed the head coach outside the weight lifting room. Wait, shouldn't he be well coaching. 

"Coach Peirce" I called out. I'd known him from going to Austin's football games and practices. He was a younger coach in his late 20s maybe. He turned to look at me. "Oh, hello Emmaleigh and.." he looked at Chelsea who was next to me. "Chelsea" she told him. "Well it's nice to meet you Chelsea" he said firmly. He then looked back over to me. "Oh, you were looking for your brother?" I nodded. "We don't start practice until Wednesday and we just finished try-outs and well since there was only 1 new kid we finished kinda early, so he's probably waiting for you." He said answering the question I had planned on asking. "Okay thank you." I responded giving him a small wave. "No problem, oh and Emmaleigh can you tell your brother that his friend made the team." he called out and walk back to his office. I nodded.

I looked to Chelsea. "Hey, do you need a ride back home?" I asked. 

  "Na, my mom's on her way but thanks." She reply giving me a warm smile. "Alright, I'll see ya tomorrow." I said giving her a quick hug before walking towards my brothers truck.

   He was in the sitting in the drivers seat listening to his music entirely too loud if you asked me. I hopped into the back seat. I never really understood why people preferred sitting in the passengers seat. I had always favored being in the back there was so much more room. You could lay down back here, which I often did after a long day of school. Anyway began searching through my the tons of papers in my backpack for my algebra 2 homework. Oh, and yes we had homework on the first day sadly. 

  Austin turned down the music. "Hey Em, how was school." He asked nicely but I could tell he was smirking. I suddenly remember the first period when and Maddie's words replayed in my head."...and this is my girlfriend, Emma."  I had totally forgotten my Austin was in that class. 

   "School was... um interesting" I replied in a small voice. 

  "Yeah, oh and Em I hope it's not to late to have a coming out party, what do you think?" He asked teasing me. Why did he have to bring that up! I bet he's been waiting all day to ask me that. I groaned loudly, still digging through my bag. 

   "If your referring to the whole "lesbihonest" moment in class. First off I'm NOT a lesbian! secondly I've got nothing against them just so happens that I'm NOT one. Thirdly Maddie was dared to say that and of course she went through with it cause in case you didnt notice she's kinda of an idiot and of course I love her anyway just not in a want to stick my tongue down her throat kind of way or any where else for that matter..." End rant. 

 "Oh, and before I forget Coach Peirce told me to tell you that that your friend made the team." I added

  I finally looked up at my brother who was turned around facing me with a stupid looking grin now on his face. He laughed and glanced over to the passengers seat.

   I followed my brother's breathing slowed til it was no more. My stomach dropped followed shortly by my jaw dropping rapidly but I stopped it before it could go any further, although it still hung open a little for a good 30 seconds.

   I suddenly became aware that I wasn't breathing I tried to take a deep breath gasping a little between shorter breaths. My heart started beating so hard I was sure it would burst through my chest any second now.

    His eyes met with mine which was surprisingly comforting, I got lost in the sea that was his eyes momentarily, before forcing myself out of my thoughts, and back to reality. His eyes were still locked with mine, he was smiling cheerfully at me with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen making my heart dance. I know longer had to wonder person was who'd had described as "cute, hot, sexy"...or "He's so pretty I want to cry!" I no longer had to wonder who held the title "The New Kid" or in Madison's case "God's gift to women". It was him all along. So I guess my mission to "Make nice with God's gift to women" would be cut short. Because he was my brothers best friend and I knew any possibility if there ever had been a possibility of there us being together it was now gone.

But It was safe to say I was no longer in control of my thoughts or my body. Whatever was controlling me obviously didnt give a damn if he was my brother's best friend as my mouth fell open and I whispered breathlessly," Caleb." 

 "Hey Emmy." he called out to me smoothly using the nickname he gave me when we were younger. He bit his bottom lip grinning at me. Before his face returned to a warm and inviting smile.

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