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It was 3rd period I was in yearbook with Maddie and another friend of mine Brenna Wright. We were voting on the design we were going to use for the year book. Though I hadn't been paying much attention. I was trying to focus but couldn't I was thinking about Caleb. More specifically thinking about what he was giving me at lunch today.  

"What's she all smiley about?" Brenna questioned Maddie and pointed over at me. I blushed, looking at the ground avoiding there gaze. "Aww look she's blushing." Brenna told Maddie. "No I'm not!" I cried out, they laughed at me.

 "Honey, you're about as red as a firetruck." Maddie told me. We all let out little giggles. "So, who's the boy." Brenna asked poking my side playfully. "Wait is this about Caleb?" Maddie asked me curiously. "Maddie!" I whispered screamed.

 "Wait Caleb Henderson?" Brenna called out. I debated if I should tell her or not. I trusted her though. "Yeah, him." I answered back "Ooo he's cute, you two would be cute together." Brenna told me in a perky voice.  

"I don't understand why they don't just date already they both obviously are obsessed with each other." Maddie added in. "He's not obsessed with me, he doesn't even think of me like that. He just thinks of me like.. his little sister." I informed them. It hurt  little bit more because I knew it was true.

 "Besides, he has literally every girl here chasing after him. He's not going to go for someone like me." I added in.

 "Why wouldn't he?" Brenna wondered out loud.

"He could have any girl here-" I sighed "Yes, but you make them look like dogs!" She snorted out. I laughed.

 "You know it's true, Em." Maddie said reassuring me. "Seriously who do I have to kill to get into your family, you're all so flawless." Brenna added in. I snorted at that I assumed she was talking about my brother. If she only knew how much of a dork he was.

 "It doesn't matter guys like I said I'm nothing more then a sister to him." I interjected.

 "There's no way he thinks of you as a sister." Maddie argued. 

 "Maddie I've heard him telling my brother he only thinks of me as a sister." I protested, although I was really tired of arguing.

 "Emma Noelle Chance, I am supposed to be the dumb one in this relationship!" She shouted at me jokingly. Me and Brenna both gave each other an amused look before bursting into laughter.

 "Seriously, Emma how can you be so stupid when it comes to love." Maddie cried out. "Of course he told your brother he only thought of you as a little sister, which he couldn't any guy with eyes would see your a total babe, but he knows your brother would kick his ass if he thought his best friend was dating his little sister." 

 Wow, did I feel like an idiot. How had I never even thought of that. My brother had told every guy he knew that he would snap there neck if they touched me, when I turned 13. I'm such an idiot! Caleb even kissed me and hell he would hold my hand when my brother wasn't looking when we were little. How had I been so oblivious.

 "Since when are you brilliant?" I offered to Maddie.

"I have my moment's." Maddie said cheerfully. "So are you gonna give him a chance?" Brenna wondered.

"Um..I don't even know, if he's still likes me that way. I mean that was a couple of years ago." I muttered.

 "Of course, he likes you! Did you not hear him basically begging you to it with him at lunch?" Maddie tried to convince me. "Oh Emma, please sit with me. I love you so much, baby I even bought you a gift. Why won't you love me princess." She teased, mocking Caleb.

 "Okay, okay I'll give him a chance if it happens come up." I told them.

Maddie and I walked to lunch, The whole time I had this stupid smile plastered on my face. It was kind of silly to be this happy that I was going to see Caleb. I literally see him all the time cause if my brother but this time I guess it was better because I knew he wanted me there, and that he might have feelings for me.

 After we got our food, I spotted my brother across the cafeteria sitting at our old lunch table, he was with Caleb, Matt, Drake, Ali, Kendall and some girl I didn't know along with few others football players I didn't really know too well. 

We started in there direction, until I stood frozen in the middle of the cafeteria. I'm pretty sure I just felt heart shatter into a million pieces, but it didn't stop there I just kept feeling it over and over until it felt like my heart felt like it was going to implode in my chest. Ali was now sitting on Caleb's lap, turning to face him before pulling him into a very sexually aggressive kiss. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was trying to clean his tonsils with her tongue.

I stood there frozen trying comprehend what just happened. He didn't.. he doesn't want me I finally realized. All this time I thought I had a small chance with him for some stupid reason. God, why am I such an idiot. I realized Maddie was giving me a sympathetic look. I turned to look at her. I gave her a small smile but tears were filling my eyes. She pulled me into warm hug that I really needed right now, I didn't feel so broken. "Em, I'm so sorry." she whispered. 

I pulled away from her embrace,  realizing we stood in the middle of the cafeteria and people would start to stare. I had enough today I couldn't handle them to.

 Maddie took me home as I was in no shape to be in school. I cried for a while but then realized I shouldn't be this upset he wasn't my boyfriend hell he wasn't even my friend really. He was my brothers best friend and that how it should be.

We sat in my room watching pretty little liars on Netflix and eating whatever junk food we had on the house. I took a break from that to make dinner so we didn't have worry about my brother burning down the house. 

 The next few days I mange to avoid Caleb which was pretty amazing considering that he basically lived with me and I had a few classes with him. It also sucked cause I had to avoid my brother and he didn't understand why I was avoiding him and it wasn't a conversation I felt like having with my brother. I even missed being with Caleb even if it was just in a sisterly way, and I'm probably being too dramatic but it was just too deal with right now.

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