Lesbihonest, that was embarrassing.

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  "Austin." I gasped, I ran over to his side. I tried to guide him out of the kitchen with his arm wrapped around my shoulder but he was too heavy for me and mostly just weighed me down. Caleb went to Austins right side and did the same."Em, I've got him just go open the door for me please." Caleb shouted over the still ringing fire alarm and my brothers loud coughing. I jogged over to the front door opening it as Caleb instructed me. The loud sirens filling the air. I stepped outside and saw 2 fire trucks racing down the street stopping in front of our house. I also noticed a few familiar faces of our neighbors some peeking out of there windows others standing out on there lawns looking at me as if I was supposed to give them a full on explanation. I didn't even know or  understand what happened myself.

        I looked behind me to see Caleb guiding Austin out house. Two paramedics ran towards placing him flat on the ground and put something to his mouth that was helping him breathe. While a couple of firefighters went into the house. I was standing a few feet away from my brother watching as the paramedics tried to steady his breathing. Caleb walked over to my side wrapping his arms around me rubbing his right hand up down my back trying to soothe me. It was actually really relaxing.

        One of the women who had been helping Austin walked up to us and told us that he was gonna be fine  and that he was talking. She said some other stuff but I didn't stay to listen.

        After while the firefighters started clearing out of the house. I sat on my knees hovering over Austin. He looked up at me smiling. "Oh, hey Em." He spoke to me causally like he was just making conversation.What the hell, did he really just say that? "Hey?" You almost burn up the house along with yourself and all you have to say to me is 'Hey'?" I whispered screamed. He starting grinned rolling his, "I didn't almost burn anything." He scoffed. Caleb came and sat down on Austin's side opposite of me. "Then what the hell do you call this, What even happened in there" I ask pointing towards the house. He looked down avoiding my gaze he seemed well... embarrassed which was really unusual for my Austin. "Well?" Caleb added encouraging him to go on. 

        He let out a deep sigh. "I was making spaghetti.." I tried to keep from laughing but I couldn't help it. My brother was a terrible cook, I was honestly a little surprised he hadn't burned down the house yet. Austin scowled at me before continuing "Anyway, I was cooking the noodles.."he went on although I tuned him out for a while "So I guess we're having pizza." He ended.  I giggled at him and stood up. I offered him my hand, he grabbed it and I pulled him up almost falling over in the process. Austin was around 6'1 with 198 lbs of pure muscle.


        The three of us went back inside and ordered 2 pepperoni pizzas and were watching The challenge on Mtv in the living room. My attention was pulled away from the TV when the house phone started to ring on the small table beside the couch. I reached over grabbed it since I was sitting closest  to it. I picked up the phone and pressed the talk button holding it up to my ear "Hello." I said in a polite voice. Austin and Caleb were both staring at me intently which made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

        "Oh my god are you okay, I heard about the fire what happened. Is your brother okay? Oh my god Em answer me already!"  It was Maddie she talked really fast I wasn't completely sure I heard her right. "Mad, I'm fine calm down please." I muttered into the phone.  "What about Austin is he okay!" She demanded.  I looked over at Austin who was staring at me questioningly "Yeah, he's fine." I told her. "Oh thanks god!" she announced  sounding more relaxed. "So...you're at home right?" she continued sounding a little nervous. It was a stupid question honestly, she had called the home phone after all, I was tempted to make a sarcastic remark but decided not to. "Yeah, Why?" I asked. Just then the doorbell rang loudly. Austin hopped over the couch and pulled the door open slowly, before shooting me a stupid grin. "Are you kidding me?" I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, That was until I saw Maddie step inside with the phone still up to her head.

Caleb looked at her and back to me, then began to chuckled a little realizing what was happening. I threw my hands up covering my now blushing face, It wasn't necessarily from my own embarrassment but more 2nd hand embarrassment I had for Maddie. I looked back up to see my brother walking towards the couch, and Maddie standing frozen just a few feet behind Caleb Her mouth gaped open, eyes practically popping out of her head. I realize I hadn't had a chance to tell her that he was back in town. So this was her first time seeing him after a little over a year and I'm pretty sure her reaction was about twice as bad as mine. I rushed over to her grabbing her hand and trying to pull her out of the room to save her and myself any further embarrassment.

        I noticed Caleb and Austin looking at me with wide eyes but tried to ignore them. "Oh." Austin began I turned to look at him. "Is this the girlfriend?" He asked jokingly. I realized I was still holding Maddie's hand and dropped it immediately. My face flushed bright red. I couldn't handle all this right now I raced upstairs and to my room, with Maddie following closely behind me. 

        I laid down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I felt Maddie sit down at the end of the bed. I pulled the pillow down and eyed her carefully. She seemed to be lost deep in thought. "Is it just me or did he get prettier?" she blurted out. We both burst into laughter. Although I couldn't deny her statement Caleb looked even better now if that's even possible. He had grown about 2 inches and now stood at around 6'2 with a muscular but lean swimmers. His light blonde hair was cut short with just a little bit more length in the front. Not to mention his chiseled jaw line that was sculpted to perfection.. and let's not forget his bow shaped lips that formed that gorgeous smile that could light up the freaking Staples stadium and his freaking dimples oh my god, he was just so perfect. 

        Then there's me. I have weirdly blue eyes, not in a bad way or anything there the same eyes my mom and brother have. There just like freakishly this warm blue. Anyway I'm 5'6 and ½, with long light brown hair with natural honey blonde highlights throughout it. I had a light tan but nothing to extreme. I was pretty slim and curvy in the right places, Although I had pretty muscular legs from soccer. There wasn't anything Extraordinary about me.

         I had only been out with 2 guys and they and well you really couldn't call them real relationships. Most of the guys I was friends with I met through my brother and he told basically all of them I was off limits to them. Not that they wouldn't want to be with me, and that wouldn't matter now cause the whole school was convince I was a lesbian and apparently Maddie is my lover. I couldn't even avoid her and let it all die down cause she was my best friend, So every time we walk down a hall together everyone's going to think we're a couple. I'm pretty sure my own thinks Maddie and me are really dating do to our lack of boyfriends and the only dates we go on are to the movies with each other. Talk about embarrassing, huh!?

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