Don't Go breakin My heart

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I walked down the hall to first period with Maddie and of course people stared but I guess I expected that so it wasn't so bad.  I had avoided Caleb it's not that I didn't want to see him it's just that i have all these stupid feeling for him that I've had for years and I'm scared there just gonna come spilling out and I know he doesn't feel the same way about me but I can't get his stupid smiling face out of my head! Due to the whole Caleb situation and the whole Lesbian thing I had planned on flying under the radar for thing for the next couple of days, but I guess that wasn't meant to be. When Maddie and I stepped into the room we were welcome by loud applause, and a group of guys cheering and whistling? I never really understood guys obsession with lesbians, I guess they liked the challenge. It just seems stupid to me though.

        Mrs. Stewart hushed them, I'm pretty sure she was one of the few people at that school who didn't ship us and that made me laugh. I tried to hide it but I failed and got more stares from people who were probably questioning my sanity. Why were there so many people in here anyway? Class didn't start for another 5 minutes, but I tried to ignored them. I noticed Maddie looked at me suspiciously. I just told her I'd tell her my theory about Mrs. Stewart later. 

        Soon the bell rang and the latecomers strolled in. This included Alison Parker, I'll call her promiscuous, but the rest of the school refers to her as a "slut" there words not mine! Anyway she was obviously pretty and all with her medium length blonde hair that feel just below her shoulders, and her big bouncy boobs that she flaunted in every guys face with her v neck shirt so deep it hit in the middle of her chest. Next was Austin of course he was always late and with him was Kendall Hudson she had really thick black-ish brown hair that feel to just below her hips. She had dark brown eyes and really pretty bone structure, and.. Well let's just say she's really pretty. I've never had a chance to talk to her never but she seemed pretty cool. Behind her I spotted Caleb, Wait why was Caleb?! He's not in this class is he? Oh god. Just lay low em, I told myself trying to calm down.

        My brother started to take a seat in front of Maddie. No no no don't sit there anywhere but there please. You see the desk in Mrs. Stewart's class were set up in rows of two so each person had a partner for projects and stuff but that's not important now. What's important is making sure my brother doesn't sit here. If he sits in front of Maddie, Caleb will be directly in front of me and I'm just not ready to face him quite yet. I just need time to get over him. 'Really a whole year wasn't enough time' a voice in  the back of my head said. Oh god now I'm hearing things, Do you see what this boy does to me I can't deal with this right now.  I looked at Austin hard with my eyes wide. "What?" He asked me loudly.

        The whole class was now looking at me waiting for me to answer. I felt like sinking slowly down in my chair. But I just sighed it came out way louder then I meant for it to though, "Nothing, never mind." I said in a small voice.

        Caleb came followed my brother to take a seat in front as expected. He stopped in front of his seat though and looked down at me. "Hey why didn't you tell me your sister was in this class?" He questioned my Austin, I think it was rhetorical though cause he went on before Austin had a chance to answer. "Hey Emmy!" He called to me cheerfully giving me a warm smile.

         "Hey Caleb." I replied, blushing nervously. Cmon I couldn't resist a smile like that. He looked down at my right arm his eyes zeroing in he looked back up to my face slightly grinning at me before taking his seat. I hadn't realize until now but I was pinching my right arm. It wasn't in like the pinch me I must be dreaming kinda way. It was just a nervous habit I picked up when I was younger.

Mrs. Stewart had us fill "All about you" worksheet where you just answer I'm like 99.99% sure it was made for 6 year old's. These work sheets are 1 of the many reasons I hate the first week of school. When everyone was done we had to say our answers in front of the class another reason I hate the first week of school they try and make you socialize with people in the class by putting your private information on display.

         We got about halfway around the room and It was this guy named Jason's turn.  "My Name is Jason Hails, My favorite color is blue I guess." He seemed really irritated it was kind of refreshing honestly. The people who had already went sounded either uncomfortably nervous or super excited to be doing this, which I didn't understand. But I guess some people just like talking about themselves . "When I look out of my window I see.... What kinda of question is that?" He asked Mrs. Stewart throwing his hands up in the air dramatically. " Just answer the question Jason" She snapped back at him. He rolled his eyes but went on. "When I look out of my window I see my creepy neighbors 11 year old daughter staring at me like the freak she is." The class burst into small laughter before Mrs. Stewart hushed them. "Anyway I live in a house. 3 People live in my house. My mom and my brother and Myself.My Favorite place to play... Mrs. Stewart are you kidding me." She scolded him " Fine my favorite place to play is the the damn monkey bars okay.  I love it when my mom feeds me I don't know. I really love it when my dad..." He paused looking down at the paper. "I don't even have a fucking dad." He said throwing the paper up in the air. "OK that's enough for today!" Mrs. Stewart called out. 

        "So, Emma." Caleb said in a cheery voice. He was turn around in his chair so he was facing me. "So, Caleb." I called back to him. He grinned at my attempt to mock him.

 "So, you're sitting with us at lunch right?" He asked with one eyebrow raised while biting down on his lip. "I have something I want to give you at lunch." He explained. "I don't really care for left over school pizza." I replied playfully. He chuckled. "Good, cause that's not exactly what I was going for, but you'll be there right?" He pleaded. I looked over at Maddie. "Don't worry we'll save room for your girlfriend." He joked, noticing me looking at Maddie.

"Can't you just give it to me now though?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I would but it's in my locker." He replied smoothly.

 "Hey, where's my gift?" My brother questioned him jokingly.

"I got you a gift too, you ass." Caleb announced, shoving his shoulder. They started play fighting.

 "I'll be there." I called too him. They stopped fighting or Caleb did at least my brother held Caleb's head on a chock-hold. "You will?" He questioned me sounding hopeful. I was laughing, so I just nodded cheerfully.

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