Preference ¤3¤ Cute moment(s)

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》When you first met at the Garrison he ran into you on the first day causing you to fall right on your but. He felt so bad and was apologizing alooot
"Sorry sorry" he kept on repeating

"It's alright" you said embarrassed still on the floor.
He then realized you were still on the floor offering his hand to help you up. "Thanks...".
"Sorry.." he said in embarrassment. "It's alright im  (y/n) by the way"

He would always stare you down like a hawk in class you thought he was wondering how something could be so ugly (no offense just not alot of self confidence ). After the first marking period he finally gained the confidence to speak to you again
"Hi i'm Keith the guy who bumped into you on the first day " he said rubbing his neck.
"Y-yeah I remember you Keeeeith" you said pronouncing his name with a long 'e'
Keith sortove fell in love with how you said his name that day and was a blushing mess . You thought you broke him for awhile

》The day he got kicked out was probably more hard on you than on him you guys were friends for two years this would be the first time you wouldn't see him in awhile
"Your such an idiot what am I going to do without you !!" You yelled at him.
"I'm sorry alright it's just they were saying bad things and I couldn't just let it happen !!" He argued back.
"I hate you so much right now I'm going to miss you, what am I going to do without you !!" You yelled with pure anger hugging him out of the blue.
"I'll be alright just don't forget about me "

Then there is the time when you got reunited
"KEITH!" You yelled in pure excitement you haven't seen the boy in about six months .
His eyes widend when he saw you while holding Shiro in his arms
"You know this mullet ?" Lance says with a tone of disgust in his voice
"Well yeah ...there is also dudes coming for us so can we hitch a ride ?"
You guys were inseparable since that day forward

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