Red Hate

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      I never thought a robot could hate someone so much. Well boy was I wrong.

      It all started when we went on the mission to the Balmera, Keith suggested I ride with him cause I don't have a lion. Well during battle my seatbelt just disappears out of the blue. At first I just thought it was a malfunction but nope, I was wrong once again.

      Then I wanted to help save Allura when she was captured by Zarkon so I rode with Keith again and let me mind you we aren't dating.
"Nice shot Keith!" I praised him with a smile he looked at me for a second then looked back at the battle blushing "thank you (Y/N)". Now after that little interaction it all went wrong then wronger (I don't think that's a word but oh well). I felt a burning sensation on my butt and yelped "ow ow ow !".
Keith looked at me worried "what's wrong ..." he asked trying to focus but was to worried.
"My butt it burns owwww!!!" I then was unbuckled by Red and flew back [good news my butt did not burn anymore ]. Red then realized the situation and let me be for the rest of that mission ...until the wormhole.

       Now I thought something was fishy at this point was Keith messing with me is what I first thought. Me and Keith were stranded with Shiro but we couldn't find him and Red was out
"Keith...?" I said with a questioning tone
"What (Y/N)?" He said a little sternly because of the situation
"Are you messing with me ...cause if you don't like me I understand " I commented in a shy voice
Keith's eyes widened and he looked at me with a little tint on his cheeks "Why would I do that now..." he said back while we were wondering the planet.
I commented back slowly so he would understand "well on the balmera the seatbelt came off exactly when you were spinning red, and while we were fighting Zarkon my butt was burned and my belt came off and it still hurts..." I mumbled the last part
Keith thought for a moment and was about to respond when we heard Shiro on the intercom. A little after he said "I don't know maybe you just got bad luck ..." he teased . To be completely honest I believed him so I started riding with Lance for missions and that was an experience that I regret.

When we went to a planet that we were lead to by a coded spore all lance would do is flirt. "So (Y/N) are you riding with me because Keith smells or something " he said while smirking .
"N-no! That's not why and Keith does not smell!" I said back then added "Your lion does smell way different then Red though "I added sharply and Lance looked offended covering his heart dramatically.
Keith was smiling during their whole argument and he was slightly blushing too. Later after that mission it was time to relax I thought untill proven wrong once again. The alarms started blaring and I woke not thinking to get fully dressed and help defeating the enemy . I ran down the hall with only my short-short sleep shorts and crop top and my hair down when it is usually up (if you have short hair ignore that ). I entered the control room instantly going to the 3rd command panel for the castle to aid in the battle. "We need to get faster so we can worm hole !" I yelled frantically. Allura then speeded up getting close to a moon's atmosphere then allowing us to jump. "That was exhausting..." Pidge said with bags under her eyes. I got up and stretched "it sure was" I then yawned .

"Wow!" Lances cooed and whistled while blushing while Keith was staring confused then making eye contact with me and looking away covering his eyes .
"What's the matter..... " I looked down at my wardrobe and blush shyly and run out of the control room to change. This is where it gets interesting so Keith thought he was the tracker and so did Allura so they ran off. Pidge used her BLIP tech to find some Taujeerians who were in danger. The problem was no Keith = no Voltron, when the four paladins were trying to help the Taujeerians there was a roar heard and Coran  looked at me and said "Go get him she is calling for your assistance". I was confused I will tell you that I was set on the fact that this lion hated my guts by now, but I ran to help Red for Keith. When I arrived she opened up instantly for me and Coran looked down frowning at how easy it was for me . I fired her up and she lead me right to Keith . When he saw me in the cockpit he looked confused but I stood up and let him take the controls.

After deafeating the galra and saving the Taujeerians I was wiped out, now this is where it gets intresting. I was all dressed in my sleep attire with my hair down and I was about to crawl in bed when there was a knock on my door .                                                                                                                  "Hey , its Keith ... can we talk" he asked I could hear some uncertanty in his voice.                                 I once again forget my attire and open the door "What do you want to talk about?"                               He glanced at my body then looked me in the eyes nervously "I-I was wondering how you piloted Red ... ".                                                                                                                                                                       I looked up at him wondering "I ... I dont know to be honest... Im sorry if  I ruined your bon-".          He interupted me mid word in a very stern voice "No no no its not your fault and Red was actually purring during the entire battle today so do not feel bad it was my fault for leaving anyways".                                                                                                                                                                                   Keith said it all so quick I was flustered and didn't know what to do so I  hugged him, he was very warm and I felt safe in his arms. After a good thirty ticks we split apart we were both flustered .

"well goodnight (Y/N)"

words: 1049

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well that was a fun one from a request please vote and comment if you want a part two .

what did you guys think of season 6 in all honesty I loved it! There was alot of character development ! 

Please comment on mistakes and errors too I dont bite

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