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The brunet had just about had it with Kyungsoo. Said archenemy would not shut up during rehearsals.

Baekhyun understood. It was almost seven. They had been rehearsing for almost ten hours. He didn't blame Kyungsoo for being tired, he was himself. But couldn't the boy hold his tongue?

They were running over the songs for the last time, and Kyungsoo just kept talking all the way through it.

"I don't see why we have to keep on rehearsing. We've been here for ten hours! Hasn't he had enough with us? This damn conductor, I swear! Even Chanyeol is better! He's always so damn naggy!" Baekhyun could hear him cursing over a hundred voices. If the conductor heard, he ignored it.

"Alright guys! That's it! Go get changed, and be back here at seven thirty!"

A stampede of footsteps clambered off the risers and flooded into the changing rooms, eager to be done with the night.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, grabbing his drawstring bag and running for the bathroom. When he exited, dressed in a pristine white top and black dress pants, the guests were just starting to come in.

Baekhyun easily recognized Chanyeol's mop of silver hair, but diverted his attention to Jongin and Minseok, who were behind him as they paid for tickets. Baekhyun waved, and Jongin winked back.

As soon as they were free to roam around, Baekhyun ran to Jongin. "Nini!"

Chanyeol shot him a glare. "What are you doing?"

Jongin looked up, weary. "Go bother someone else."

Chanyeol huffed. "Fine. Come on, Minseok."

But Minseok was long gone, having spotted Jongdae. He was now happily in his arms.

"So, I heard that you're still able to play tonight," Chanyeol grinned.

Jongin straightened up from giving Baekhyun a little pep talk. "Yeah. No thanks to you."

"Is Baekhyun really so weak that he needs someone to fight his battles for him?" Chanyeol sneered.

"At least he has someone to fight his battles for him genuinely!" Jongin retorted protectively.

"Baekhyun's the last person you should associate the word genuine with," the giant spat.

"No! You are!" Baekhyun spoke up. He pushed Jongin back when the younger tried to subdue him. "You liar! And to think I trusted you!" He pushed a finger at Chanyeol's chest accusingly. "There's nothing I hate more than a hypocrite. Frankly, you're just a idiot who's so caught up in your so called popularity that you'll- mmph!" Baekhyun was cut off as he was yanked back by harsh hands. Suddenly, Kyungsoo was towering over him. Where are the goddamn teachers when you actually need them!?

"Don't talk to him like that!" Kyungsoo fumed.

Baekhyun felt bile rise up in his throat. Kyungsoo could really pretend to care. He found his tongue again and stood up. "That is not how you acted a few minutes ago! You can pretend all you want in front of him. But you-"

"Shh, remember what I told you earlier." Minseok pulled Baekhyun aside and calmed the small ball of fury down.

"What did he mean? Pretend?" Baekhyun could hear Chanyeol's voice a few feet away. Strangely, it was almost void of interest.

"He doesn't know what he's saying!" Kyungsoo defended.

"Yes I do!" Baekhyun blurted out. "And you do too!"

"I never said anything!" Kyungsoo stomped over and yanked Minseok aside, taking his place in front of Baekhyun. He grabbed a fistful of Baekhyun's collar, his eyes burning with fury. "Listen here, and listen good. If you say a word more about this, you're damned for good. If Chanyeol questions you, don't say anything. If you do, I'll make your life a living hell." He backed away, letting go of Baekhyun's collar, which was now wrinkled.

Baekhyun brushed at the white cloth, vexed.

"Baekhyun, come with me. I have a hair straightener in my bag. We can use it to iron out your shirt," Jongdae offered.

Baekhyun followed him wordlessly, shooting a disapproving glance at Chanyeol, who was eyeing Kyungsoo blankly, as he passed.

Jongin sighed. He was torn between helping his friend with good intentions and helping his crush with bad intentions. Why do I still like that doofus anyways?

But there was something about Kyungsoo that made him more sympathizable. Maybe it was the blunt anger he always had. Everyone had it, Kyungsoo had the courage to show it. Or the fact that when Kyungsoo smiled, he didn't look so angry anymore, and his rough edges smoothed out. Jongin liked that, and he wanted to see it more often. And maybe it's because Jongin blamed himself for causing Kyungsoo to become like that, but that's a story for another time. Jongin didn't want to think about that now. Or maybe it was simpler than that. Maybe... "Kyungsoo." He was surprised to his his own voice call out Kyungsoo's name. Maybe he just needed a little bit of reassurance in his life again.

"What the hell do you want?" Kyungsoo's voice was ice.

What did he want? Why did he call out Kyungsoo's name to begin with? Jongin stood there like an idiot, rooted to the ground. "I want- I want to talk. To you. Alone." I want to make you smile. I want to help you remember. I want the old Kyungsoo back. There were so many things he wanted.


Yet they were all so far away.

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I have a little poll. It determines if Jongin tells his backstory within the next five chapters or not (either that, or the backstory will be published at the very end of the entire book). (I'm giving people time to vote, 'cause there aren't a whole lot of active readers currently.)

a) Apples

b) Printers

Pick one! Don't ask why the choices are the ones they are. ;)

(And the last time I did a poll, it was a tie... if it happens again...) :'

I'm honestly excited for KaiSoo. I think their relationship is interesting.

(Sorry Princessaurora2004 , I'm crushing your OTP, it seems. And your bias is now the ultimate jerk.) :l

There are a lot of surprises planned for the future! Stay tuned!

With love,

With love,

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