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I apologize again for the hiatus and missing updates. :l

And then I come back with a boring chapter that's 90% dialogue and 2% time skips. The other 9% is split between terrible angst, bad math skills, and me trying to be funny...

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Kyungsoo doesn't know anything. Kyungsoo doesn't know anything. Kyungsoo doesn't know anything. Kyungsoo doesn't know anything. Kyungsoo doesn't know anything. Kyungsoo doesn't know anything...

"Why were you hugging Baekhyun yesterday?" His boyfriend caught up to him at the bus stop.

Kyungsoo saw. Kyungsoo knew.

"No reason." Chanyeol shook his head, fluffy hair swishing from side to side. "We're friends."

"Friends don't hug! Not like that! You don't let anyone touch your hair." There was a pout in Kyungsoo's tone.

"Baekhyun's a close friend..." Chanyeol murmured.

"I've known you longer!"

Chanyeol sighed. "I know."

The bell rang, causing Kyungsoo to jolt. "Come on! Let's go!""

"I know. I'm coming." Chanyeol stood up, sneaking a glance at the stairs. Baekhyun was laughing with Jongdae about something, his head thrown back and his arms around his stomach as he tried to contain his mirth.

Chanyeol looked around. Kyungsoo was gone.

He took a step in Baekhyun's direction, then stopped. Whatever. Taking the risk of facing Kyungsoo's wrath, he jogged over to Baekhyun and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey."

Baekhyun turned around, his eyes still crinkled from his previous bout of laughter. "Hi, how are you? Where's Kyungsoo?" They began walking up the stairs.

"I don't know. He disappeared."

"You know, you should break up with him."

Jongdae coughed, backing away slowly. "Oh hey Minseok!" He ran off, even though Minseok was nowhere to be seen.


"You should break up with Kyungsoo." Baekhyun enunciated each word slowly. "If you're so unhappy, what reason do you have to stay?"

"Baekhyun, I can't just walk up to him and dump him like that. That's just cruel. He doesn't deserve that."

"Mm-hmm." Baekhyun tapped his foot pointedly on the ground. "He sure doesn't."

"Look Baek, I know that you really don't have the best relationship with him... but he has his reasons, and you know what they are." Chanyeol shifted his books.

"Is it about that stupid scholarship again? Jongin's miserable because of it, you know. The two of them need to talk things out. Maybe you could convince Kyungsoo to do so?"

Chanyeol sighed. "Maybe. He doesn't listen to me when it involves Jongin. He thinks I'm trying to get rid of him."

"Well aren't you?"

"... I forgot that you can see right through me." Chanyeol shook his head. "I'll see you in third period, I guess."

"See you then."

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