Beast Slot One: Iris Bell

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A fox trapped inside a human body

Name: Iris Bell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Faction: Moon Beast

Appearance: The word foxy would best describe Iris. Her bright orange locks and deep blue eyes bear a close resemblance to the animal. Her body, thin and tall, earned her the nickname "stilts" in grade school, and no matter how much makeup she puts on she can't hide her extremely pale skin. Even her face, so slender and pointed, reminds people of the tiny orange mammal she transforms into every full moon.

Personality: If someone were to take a fox and grant it a human body the result would be Iris. Though her body is human, most of the time, her mind is somewhat of a puzzle. If one were to take anything they ever knew about a foxes' behavior and combine it into one living organ, that organ would most likely be Iris' brain. She is lively and quick, but cautious, taking her time about things. She was gifted with a fierce intelligence at birth, and the almost maddeningly easy gift of lying. Almost nothing she says is true, and if you ever suspect her of lying to you you are probably correct. She is sharp tongued, quick witted, and probable the most sarcastic person you have ever met.

Other: She has a strange obsession with Alex Clare, Oreos, and The Silence of the Lambs.

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