Task Four: The Weapon

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Devoured by the demon:

Penelope Wickers

Michael Caim


Imariel's price was steep- three investigators have perished to get the information from Imariel. However, the information is well worth their sacrifice: according to rumor, a newly forged godsmetal dagger has appeared in the collection of a Fallen living on the outskirts of the city.

There's a funny property about godsmetal: it has a memory. If an enterprising magician managed to get their hands on a sample of the metal, they would be able to track the dagger to the place where it was forged. Anyone fortunate enough to find the dagger that slew Dorian could find the forge-- and maybe the killer to boot.

Of course, this hinges on getting the dagger in the first place. That couldn't be too hard for a group of skilled investigators.




-This task, you must get the murder weapon from the collection of a Fallen by any means necessary. Whether this involves diplomacy, theft, open warfare, or some other method is entirely at your discretion.

-The twist? The Fallen in question is quite insane, as well as rather attached to their possessions. Any of the options above will likely be complicated by this little tidbit.

Kills: Two ballot kills, as well as two in-entry kills. This task, the in-entry kills are required. I repeat, they are required. Four tributes will be going up for votes this round. Two will be eliminated.

Due Date: Monday, June 25 at 10 PM EST. Yes, this is an eleven day deadline. Yes, this is an apology for how long it took to get this up.

Author Games: Empty NightWhere stories live. Discover now