Happy Easter everyone!
It's time to change our minds.
It's a Great Night!
You are great.
You give me power.
You give me good mood.
I give you my Deer Power.
I give you some chapters.
Everyone give something good!
So, lemme look at Sakura.
She gives me...
She gives us...
She gives us nothing.
Maybe one think...
She gives us...
Her death.
But not in original story :(
Sakura, if you want to give us something...
Die in Boruto!
Like in this "story".NotLove,
(I think I'm back...
Or maybe it's only a joke because of April Fool's Day?
Who knows?)
101 Sposobów Śmierci Sakury
Sonstiges101 Sposobów śmierci Sakury czyli jak bardzo Vis nienawidzi tej Różowej Dziewki! Zbiór jej śmierci na poprawę humoru! Masz ciekawy pomysł na jej śmierć? Pisz do mnie a pojawi się w tej pięknej książce! UWAGA: Po przeszukaniu Wattpada i stwierdzeniu...