Chapter Fifteen: Broken Pieces, Broken Lives, Broken Until The Day They Die

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"Today my forest is dark

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"Today my forest is dark

The trees are sad and

All of the butterflies

Have broken wings"

~ Anonymous


It was time.

The day before Halloween, a fair was held only a couple of miles away from Raymond, Jackson, Maria, Noah's, Sophia, Max, and Anya's school.

The night was chilly but not unbearable. Maria, Raymond and Sophia had driven in the same car together, each wearing something that matched the Halloween spirit without going overboard. Maria wore black and white stripped leggings, a black waist high skater skirt, an old 80's black band t-shirt and a black furry jacket. Raymond wore skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, an anti-social club t-shirt, a jean jacket that had a hood attached along with a grey beanie. He didn't care to much for Halloween so instead of dressing like an 90's teenage clash outfit like Maria, he wore random clothes that he found first.

Sophia on the other hand had her hair dyed pink, fluffy and puffed out knowing that by the end of the night it would be straight as a board. She also wore white waist length high shorts, neon green leggings up under, a hot pink off the shoulder shirt and white tennis shoes. Her ears were clad in large hoop earrings, her makeup just as bright and neon as her clothes. Sophia was the definition of an 80's kid. She looked crazy but good at the same time.

They met up with Jackson and Noah. Jackson looking like an old school bad boy, rocking mom jeans and a black v-neck matched with a black leather jacket. His hair was fluffed and moosed back. Noah wore black tight spandex pants, a white v-neck and a short, belly button high shoulder padded leather jacket. His shoes were black, shiny and pointed completing his outfit perfectly.

After Noah, Jackson and the rest of the crew at soft pretzels, Max and Anya finally arrived. Anya wore six inch high wedges, with long waist high jeans that loosened up the further down it went. She put on a white t-shirt that had a random old design band design printed on the front.

Everyone had dressed up like a 1900s kids.

"You guys ready?" Jackson asked, pushing off the truck he leaned against. Noah reached for his hand, smiling softly to himself as he leaned against Jackson's body. "Yep" replied the group. They weren't going to go just yet, they wanted to enjoy the night. This would be their last day on earth, it was hard to believe. Some people didn't have the luxury to know when and where they'd die but this small group of teenagers did and they wanted to make the most of it.

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