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This was overdue, sorry guys. And it kind of sucks, but trust me, I've got way more planned for you guys! This story is just getting started! Please comment and vote, thanks guys xx

We didn't wait around until Ari was done. As soon as the doors back upstairs opened again, our legs carried us quickly to the stage where we planted ourselves centre stage. Our thighs pressed agains the stage, which was something I had never experienced before, and a small smile set upon my face. Kodaline and Eden opened the show, each putting on an incredible performance. When I had first bought the tickets, I remember screaming so loud that my roommate next door had knocked on my door, asking me what the problem was. I had been so excited to see all three acts that I couldn't keep in my excitement. The entire group had met up once doors opened and we all went crazy throughout both sets, enjoying the people and the music all in one scene. A pick had landed in my bra after Eden threw it into the crowd, leaving me rather flushed and embarrassed, though all of my new friends laughed with me rather than at me.
When Ari walked onstage, the crowd had pushed forward, digging my thighs against the stage. I didn't care though, I was focusing on the atmosphere and the people around me. He interacted with the crowd like I had never seen before, danced around, held hands. Every time he looked to to sing to me or my friends, we all forgot the words and wound up in a giggling fit causing Ari to crack a smile. We were all in the moment, only brining our phones out at the most interesting and important times to film. I had brought a go pro with me and I had taken it out to film earlier on. The group and I had decided that it would be a more respectful way of filming since I had to film for my vlogs. I like to keep my videos on the down low, but I decided to tell the group, for the benefit of everyone.
So we watched the show, laughing, listening, hugging each other at the times when it was needed. As it came to a close, Ari rushed forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulders before exiting off the aid elf the stage. I stand there, gazing at the spot where he had once been. Some people around me stayed to look at the scene, to look at me, but others just rolled their eyes and strolled over to merch. Amber and Sierra tackle me from behind after the contact and the rest of the ground follows like they were given orders. We stand in a group hug, the weirdos of the show all laughing and smiling as we give love to each other. I tried to rub off the last hug that Ari gave me, but it lingers in the back of my mind as to why he did it. With a lasting sigh, we all send a handful of waves over towards Sam and exit the venue,  moving to the side to wait for the crowds to leave.
"We are going to wait for Ari, you guys down to stay?" Regan scans her eyes over the group of us and I absentmindedly check the time on my phone. It reads ten o'clock, and to that I shrug, looking back up at her.
"It is only a Friday, and it seems that most of us are going back to the same place so sure, I'll wait." Simon takes a few steps towards me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah, and you'll be spending the weekend moving in with Zack and I." I turn my head to look at him, eyes wide open in shock. Zack jumps up beside him, giving me a thumbs up.
"When was this discussed?!" I run a hand through my hair and clutch my phone tightly.
"While you were meeting Ari, we decided that you should have your own bathroom." I let out a slight giggle as Simon's arm tightens around me.
"I mean, I've known you guys for less than a day, but I already know that there's no fighting this." Zack clasps my shoulder with his and, a large smile illuminating his face.
"There we go, know you understand." Everyone around bursts out into laughter, causing the few people that now mill around to look at us with confused expressions. I ignore them,  focusing on the few people around me that care.
"What about my dorm rent? I've already payed for it." Simon waves out a hand, and after craning my neck to get a better view of his face, I can see the ghost of a smile on his lips.
"Don't you worry your pretty head about that." I roll my eyes at his remark and squirm out of his grasp. The night presented itself as cool, showing no sign of rain, only a calming, heavy air. People were quick to filter from the venue, now most of them litter over the streets, heading into restaurants or bars that lay open at this time of night. The touch a skin on my own has me turning my head to Regan as she wraps her small hand around my wrist.
"We should go get some McDonald's or something," she pulls on my wrist a little but Siara places a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.
"Oh no, no we aren't going anywhere." I let out a large groan, confused as what people wanted to do. First we were staying, then Regan wanted food so she wanted to leave, and now we are staying again. No one seems to mind my groan as I notice every pair of eyes looking in the same direction. Gingerly, I turn my head the same way, only to be met with the same pair of grey eyes that had looked into mine so many times throughout the night. I find myself paralyzed, unable to move, and suddenly confused. Front door. Why would he take the front door when there is clearly a back door? I mentally facepalm myself, maybe he did it for the same reason that he did earlier. Small beads of sweat begin to form on the palms of my hands, the nerves getting to me.
"You're still here." Ari's amused words slink into my mind, his eyes not moving from my own. I've had multiple awkward encounters before, Ari catching my phone being one of them. But as I stand here, on a tilt, Regan holding my wrist and holding me back from falling forward into Ari, I know that there is no way that this will end well.
"Ah, Yeah, Just.. hanging around." I awkwardly laugh to try a cut the small amount of tension, but it only makes things more awkward. It's at that moment, that Regan, being the cheeky bugger that she is, let's go of my wrist causing me to fall right into Ari's chest. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me, catching me as I fell. I can feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and as soon as I regain my footing, I take a step back and out of his arms. Ari looks down at me, a shocked expression on his face.
"I'm sorry! I lost my footing and I-"
"I was holding her up, let go of her, it was my fault." Regan waves from beside me. In response, Ari let's out a chuckle before moving towards each person in the group, giving them embraces.
"It's really nice to meet you guys," he smiles at Amber and Siara. From where I stand, I can see that Ari's face looks bright, radiating the excitement to be meeting his fans. I had never met an artist before that out so much time into those that got him to where he is now.
Ari talks with us, engaging in vivid conversation and offering great insight into the questions that we ask. All the while, I hang back behind my friends, my shyness getting the best of me, though I don't let the casual eye contact between the two of us go unnoticed. As it gets later, Ari is told that he has to get ready to leave. He quickly says goodbye to those around him, and then he comes to me. He towers above me, the height difference more evident than ever as I feel like a mouse under a cat.
"Thank you for today, I've got to say, you've added some amazing memories to it." He takes a step towards me and puts his arms out. Putting aside my awkwardness, I moved into his arms and close mine around his waist. I could never get enough of his hugs, though inside I knew that I would most likely never get to have one again after this.
"Well, you made it just as memorable for me as I did for you," I speak just loud enough so that he can hear me.
"Come on Ari, we've gotta go," Gerard's voice resonates around me and my awkward exterior comes back as I pull away from Ari. He gives the group a little wave, setting s smirk on his lips.
"I'll be back in the area to do some writing with a friend, maybe I'll se you all at some point." With a last nod goodbye, he turns on his heel and follows rob off towards the tour bus. We are all quiet until the bus drives off, each of us revelling in the small moment that we had. Well, that is until Regan speaks up.
"Can we do get McDonald's now?"

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