Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

Sasuke lay in bed, thinking of the mysterious girl that had shown up at the Academy that day. Her eyes...they were like deep, dark, bottomless pits. They held no emotion. Just cold...unfeeling orbs. He shuddered at the thought of them. And also, what she had said!

'I am dangerous, so that's another reason you should stay away.'

He didn't doubt that she was powerful. She hasn't even shown her true power, but the way she had whizzed through the tasks that most of the class still hadn't grasped the concept of, Sasuke knew that Yoruka definitely not an ordinary Academy student.

Yoruka's POV

I sat on the slanted tile roof, one knee brought up to my chest. I played with my shadows, making my own silhouettes of wolves, foxes, dragons, and deer. They danced and played in the starlight, swirling and prancing to a wild, imaginary beat.

I grew bored with making them dance, and released the shadows. The silhouettes dissipated and retreated to swirling slowly around me.

I lay back, my green eyes turned up, watching the stars. The twinkling silver dots reflected in my cold gaze.

I studied the position of the constellations. Judging by where they're at, it's probably around 2:00 in the morning.

Well. Better now than never to start my morning training.

-----~----mini time skip-----~-----

I stood at Training Ground 44. To my left were the wooden pillars. To my right, there was a pool of clear water. To my front stood a large grassy clearing with patches of sandy spots. The entire space was surrounded by a dense forest. "Earth Style: Rock Pillar Spear!" I shouted, quickly forming the hand seals. 

Immediately, a tall stone column burst from the ground about 10 feet away from me. I narrowed my eyes and honed the edges of my shadows to a deadly sharpness. Multiple, twisting black blades rushed towards the pointed pillar at different heights. 

My shadows sliced through the dense stone column like butter. The rocky pillar stood for a moment, wobbling, before it fell apart. Thick discs of heavy rock fell , tumbling to the ground. They landed in a sandy dip, muffling the sound.

I walked over towards the remains of my Earth Style jutsu. The stone discs were sliced clean through; there were no perforations. I turned around, satisfied. 

I walked until I was facing the pool of water, my back facing away from the wooden posts. I leapt up, high in the air. I flipped upside down - now I was falling headfirst towards the ground. I flicked my fingers and multiple kunai flashed dangerously. I threw six of them, three off course on purpose. I spun around midair and threw another six. Three of the latter hit the three of the former that were off course. They clanged, the black metal creating sparks. I landed safely, my feet hitting the ground

I heard 12 satisfying thunks as the kunai hit their designated targets. All of my kunai were embedded deeply into the chest target of the wooden posts. I sent my shadows to retrieve the metal knives, creating thin ropes that fastened around the rings at the bottom of the kunai. (Like the shadow gathering technique) I jerked the shadows and the knives were wrenched free. All 12 sailed straight towards the back of my turned head. 

Time seemed to slow down. I whirled, whipping my head around so that only my left eye was turned towards the kunai. I jumped, angling my limbs so that the I would be able to catch the daggers in my fingers right about...


I bent my fingers slightly, so that the rings at the bottom of the kunai were effectively hooked onto my fingertips. The knives spun briefly on my each finger before settling down. I had two on each thumb and one on every other finger.

I restored the sharp daggers into their designated pouch. 'Should be enough practice for today,' I conceded. I quickly performed a one-handed tiger seal (like what Neji uses to activate his Byakugan, Itachi to activate his Tsukuyomi, and a lot of other people to charge chakra) to summon my shadows. The shapeless ebony swirls instantly obeyed, covering me. I quickly teleported to the entrance of the Academy. Only a few kids were here - it was about thirty minutes early, after all. 

I walked over to a tree with a small, rickety swing tied to a branch. The same one that the hyperactive blonde, Naruto, had been sitting on the other day. I didn't sit down on the swing, but instead leaned against the trunk, allowing myself to blend in with the shadows the leaves cast. "Yin Release: Shadow Mind Drift," I murmured softly. My consciousness floated up into the air briefly, before diving towards a shadow. Instead of bouncing off the place where the shadow was cast, my sight, smell, thoughts, hearing, and taste merged into the blackness. Normally, my consciousness would float around, catching small glimpses of different parts of the village from many locations of shadows until I smelled, heard, or saw an interesting event going on. I inhaled sharply as I felt a strong, almost magnet-like pull urging me to get closer to a source of potent emotion. Hatred. 'The Uchiha,'  I realized, recognizing that cold, vengeful pit of hatred lodged deep inside the raven-haired boy. 

I allowed my consciousness to be pulled towards the duck-butt. I narrowed my eyes. The onyx-eyed boy was sitting in a tree branch, hands folded. I drifted as close as possible to the Academy "genius." To any normal person, it would just seem like Sasuke had an indifferent, uninterested expression plastered on his pale face, but at a closer look, his eyes held a seething fury. If looks could kill, those eyes would have burned a hole through your heart. 'It should be about time the Academy is going to start,'  I thought. Just as I said that, the Uchiha jumped off the branch and started walking towards the Academy with his hands in his pockets. About halfway there, he was greeted with his typical mob of fangirls, including the blonde and pinkette. 'Psht. Enough with that, I should probably head back to my physical body,'  I decided. 'Kai!'  I mind-spoke forcefully, releasing my jutsu. My consciousness was pulled swiftly back into my physical body, grounding my senses. 

I looked around, seeing a lot more people. The whiskered knucklehead wasn't sitting on the swing like last time, but was arguing with Sasuke's fangirls. 

"But Sakura-channn! Why do you like Sasuke so much?" he whined.

"Stupid Naruto! Sasuke-kun is so much cooler than you! Right, Sasuke-kunnn?" Sakura cooed, her eyes turning into throbbing lovey-hearts. 

"Hey! Sasuke! I bet that I'm better at you than shuriken throwing!" Naruto threatened.

Sasuke just turned his cold, disinterested gaze on the energetic, blue-eyed boy.


"Seeeee? Sasuke-kun is so much better than you, Naruto-baka!"

Naruto turned away from the pinkette dejectedly. 

Finally, the Academy bell rang. 

Hello, my dear reader-chans! So this was more of a filler chapter, although I did let you guys have a little taste of Yoruka's skills...only a little, though! You'll find out more about her later ;) I hope ya like what I have so far, dattebayo! Vote, comment, and share!!  

Arigato gosaimasu, my reader-chans!

- ~ * Nyx * ~

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