Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

The rising sun lit Yoruka's shadowy figure as she got up from her perch on the roof. She stretched, extending one leg and leaning down, then switching and doing the same with the other leg. Her long hair brushed the shingled rooftop as she arched her back, still flexible even after an entire night on cold clay tiles. Like most mornings, she leapt agilely off the roof, extending her arm and swinging back inside the open balcony. Yoruka prepared some tea, opening up a pouch of dried jasmine leaves. They fell into the water, like a feather alighting on a pond. The hot drink steeped for a few minutes, wispy white steam rising from the clay cup. The 11-year-old girl grasped the warm container with her bisque hands, raising it slowly to her face.

Yoruka's POV

I squeezed my eyes shut as the hot liquid burned the roof of my mouth. My jaw clenched as I hurriedly gulped down the herbal liquid in my mouth, watching the tea in the cup warily. I narrowed my eyes and tipped my head back, swallowing another scorching mouthful of the hot, amber liquid. My face relaxed as I felt the caffeinated remedy course through my system. Just because I never slept didn't mean I didn't get physically exhausted. My mind was still alert, but my body - combined with my extremely small diet - couldn't exactly keep up with my wits all the time.

I finished my tea, setting it lightly back on the table with a muffled whump. I leant back and sighed, twirling my hair through my fingers. The Graduation Exam. Today, huh?  I thought as I got up and stretched again, my arms raised above my head. I allowed me features to settle back into a neutral façade, and leapt out the window. I landed neatly on the ground, my skirt and hair settling behind me. I stood up and began to walk towards the direction of the Academy. Trees on either side of the dirt path I walked on rustled their leaves in the wind, throwing dappled shadows across the ground. I kept my own tendrils of darkness quiet, instead turning my gaze to the sky, admiring the white and puffy morning clouds. I had to squint because it was so bright, the azure contrast of stark white and crystalline blue.

I exhaled in relaxation, admiring the simple yet stunning beauty of the nature around me. Quiet, except for the song of the wind. Still, except for the trees and grass, dancing in rhythm to the wind's music. Relatively dark, except for the gentle, golden light that filtered through the foliage above, illuminating each leaf so that you could see the delicate veins. Honey colored shafts of light pierced the forest on either side of the rarely-trodden path that lead to and from the small apartment building where me and only a few other residents stayed.

As I walked closer towards the end of the forest, the sounds of the bustling village reached my ears, snapping me out of my momentary trance. The shadows crept towards me slowly, leaking out of the trees. I once again donned my "serious face" and disappeared in my signature whirl of shadows.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chappy today, and also that I haven't updated in foreverrr, but I'm going to try and dedicate more time to this story! By the time you read this, I'll have probably started working on the next part already!!

Cya next time, my loyal readers!! (Don't forget to vote and share!! <3)

- ~ * Nyx * ~

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