Chapter 3

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3rd POV

Yoruka turned away from the childish argument and walked over to the entrance of the Academy, thin tendrils of shadows leaping and dancing at her feet. Sasuke cast a glance at the mysterious, black-clad girl. After a few minutes of Naruto pestering him about why he was better than him, Sasuke got tired of listening to the energetic blonde yell in his ear about "dattebayo this," and "dattebayo that," and entered the classroom, and, of course, bringing his mob of fangirls with him, too. 

Now that the majority of the kids in that class had left, the other few came in too. Sasuke gave the room a quick glance around, spotting Yoruka in a the far left corner of the classroom, shadows cast over her eyes. He snorted and narrowed his eyes: why was he so alert for her? He quickly whipped his head around, resuming that dark, moody look. 

Iruka-sensei stepped into the classroom, shutting the door behind him. "Ohayo, students! I have great news for you. Tomorrow will be the Academy graduation exam! Remember, you must perform the clone jutsu - effectively," he said, looking pointedly at a drooling Naruto. Yoruka sat, watching from her small desk in the corner. Man, if looks could kill...she noticed observantly at the ticked-off gaze coming from Iruka. "Well, let's practice it! Line up, up front." 

The class reluctantly lined up. Yoruka was at the very back of the line, her striking green eyes overcast with shadows, giving her a very menacing and cold appearance.

Iruka kept one eye on the icy-haired girl in the back, the other one watching the student who was currently performing the transformation jutsu. The Uchiha walked up to the front with slouched shoulders and a scowl. Without forming the tiger seal, there was a poof, and another Iruka appeared in front of the teacher. The real Iruka did a quick examination of his mirror, and nodded, checking off Sasuke's name on the checklist he held.

Sasuke transformed back into his usual, emo self, ignoring the squeals of "good job!" and "you're so amazing, Sasuke-kun!" that came from behind him. The duck-butt sat back at his desk, folding his hands.

This time, it was Sakura's turn. She formed the tiger seal and again, another Iruka poofed up in front of the teacher with a cloud of smoke. He nodded, and checked Sakura off. Cherry-hair transformed back into her usual appearance, looking in Sasuke's direction in hope of some sign of acknowledgement. None. Sakura slumped, dark purple waves of gloom hovering above her head. 

"Oi oi oi!! I can do this, this is easy, dattebayo!!"  a certain blonde knucklehead interrupted. Iruka attempted to mask his wry doubt, plastering a neutral smile onto his scarred face. 

"Ok, then, Naruto, show me what you've got," the sensei suggested half-heartedly. 

A big grin broke out on Naruto's face, his whiskered cheeks plumping up. He gave a mischievous giggle, and with a poof of white smoke, a curvy, fair-skinned female version of Naruto stood in front of Iruka, with white clouds (thankfully) covering the more...profane parts of the woman. She had neon yellow hair (not dissimilar to Naruto's own, considering...well, you know, she is  Naruto) with two long, high pigtails. She blew a small kiss in Iruka's direction, who had collapsed on the floor due to the force of his own nosebleed. Somehow, he managed to right himself, furious. 

"Naruto, you idiot! Don't ever do that again! Just because of that, the whole class will review the transformation jutsu!" (sorry if I got that jutsu wrong. Don't remember the exact details of something I watched 700+ episodes ago...)

A collective groan was heard from the class. Naruto scowled, jutting his chin out. 

"Pfft! Whatever. I don't care!"

Iruka gave a half-sympathetic-half-disapproving look, if that's even possible. 

Yoruka's POV

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