Chapter 5

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Naruto's POV

I groaned. The Graduation Exam was today, right? Even though it was getting to the point of were I was going to be late, I was still on my bed, one arm thrown over my eyes. I pouted and swung my legs over the side of my small bed, accidentally kicking empty Instant Ramen cups left over from last night. 

"Ha! Like that's gonna stop me from becoming Hokage! Stupid Graduation Exam, it'll be easy peasy!" 

I quickly pulled on my kill-me-now orange jumpsuit and slammed the door shut behind me, still munching on some dry cereal I had stuffed in my mouth.

Sakura's POV

I stood in front of the mirror, brushing my hair carefully. 

"Sakura, time for breakfast, you're going to be late!" 

I heard my mother call from downstairs.

"Coming, mom!"

I adjusted my dress a little bit and gave a small, cute smile. I had to look my best for Sasuke-kun, and also to be able to beat that Ino-pig in style! I rushed down the stairs and sat down at the table, eating quickly before heading out the door, waving bye to my parents.

Sasuke's POV

I walked down the dirt path to the Academy the long way, my hands stuffed in my pockets. I ignored the curious looks from all the adults, all the muffled whispers of, "Oh, isn't he the last Uchiha?" 

"Didn't his brother massacre the entire clan?"

"Such a bad attitude he has, look at that scowl."

I kept my eyes forward and stifled my rage.

Shikamaru's POV

"Ugh, why do they even make us do the Exam? It's such a drag...," I groaned, forehead on the breakfast table.

"You know exactly why they make you do the Graduation Exam, Shikamaru. You'll do fine. Get out there, you lazy boy! You'll be late!" 

My parents ushered me out of the sliding paper doors that lead to the courtyard. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the Academy.

Hinata's POV

I nervously waited for Neji to get ready, sitting on the wooden pathway outside of the Hyuga mansion. 'I wonder if Naruto-kun will pass. He will, right? Or, maybe not...'  A noise broke my train of thought, and I looked behind me and saw Neji close the door. "Let's go, Hinata-sama." I nodded, and he offered me his hand.

As he helped me up, I took a quick peek at his face. It was his usual, solemn expression, those powerful, pale eyes revealing nothing. I dusted my clothes off and we started off in the direction of the Academy. 

3rd Person POV

The bell rung, and the young students filed into the classroom, taking their seats. A few minutes later, Iruka walked in and began to take attendance. There was an air of seriousness. The students knew that this would mark the day they would either fail or succeed to become the new generation of genin. It was a little quieter in general, except for the gentle snoring that came from the back (Shikamaru) and the impudent boasting coming from a certain whiskered you-know-who. 

Yoruka's POV

I kept my eyes towards the front of the classroom, my hands folded neatly in my lap. 

"As you all know, today is the Graduation Exam. We're going to get right into it; when your name is called, head out of the classroom down the hall to the right. There will be three teachers there to grade you. Good luck everyone, behave yourselves!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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