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          Thinking it was easier than actually asking as they both found out. They both couldn't figure out a way for them tell the other that they loved them and wasn't sure if the other member loved them back.

          However today was going to be different. Today they were both going to confess in their own unique way. He decided to wear one of his favorite baby pink pastel hoodie that she had gotten him one day. She decided to wear a muted blue hoodie he had gotten her one day.

          Before they had even got to school they stood in front of the mirror trying to make sure they looked presentable, he would style his hair until he thought it looked good and she practiced some pick up lines. She decided to ditch them since they seemed to corny. He also ended up leaving his hair how he normally had it, although on the way to school he twirled his hair nervously.

          They were both ignoring the looks they got from the kids. Some were rude, some were surprised and some even held admire to be able to be friends with each other. They both didn't have any plans to ask the other out, just to tell them. He would have given her a paper but they knew each other and that didn't seem to fit the atmosphere.

          Finally the time came for their lunch period. She stood there waiting nervous, but not letting it get to her, and he was practically blushing from the thought of asking her out.

         When they both were there together they both ended up glancing away from each other when talking. The time went by fast and they knew they wouldn't be able to ask tomorrow since it took all their courage to ask today so she decided now was the time.

          Taking a deep breath and not missing a beat she gently took his hands and looked him in the eyes. He immiediatly blushed and wanted to look away but decided against it as he looked into her eyes.

          She blinked and said, "listen, I know we might have not known each other long and I know how we planned to stay friends but I don't think I can stay like that" she paused as his breath hitched and continued, "and I might regret this but I love you. Not the stupid highschool love but actual love, I can see us having a future together and I know you might not feel the same way and you might stay away from me, but I rather you know my feelings even for a second and leave me than to live a long life with you thinking of what could have been."

          She closed her eyes almost to protect herself. She felt his hands leave hers as she thought, "here it is the rejection" but was surprised when a second later she felt his arms wrapped around her and heard him say, "I feel the same way"

          She wanted to cry and scream from excitement but instead wrapped her arms around him and kissed his forhead. Before they could do anything else the bell rang and they left- of course not before a promise to walk each other home.

          During their second to last period since they had each other they couldn't help but look at each other and smile, occasionally they would make heart shapes with their hands when no one was looking.

          That was cut short when the bell rang signaling to go to their last period. Of course they couldn't pay attention as they thought of the other and the days to come.

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