Chapter Nineteen

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*7am Friday September 22nd*

It's been about a weeks since we told Carmen what's going on with mom. She didn't take it well and hardly talks to either one of us. I kind of understand but if I were I would want to spend as much time with mom as possible. Tonight is the homecoming game and I was suppose to take her but I doubt she will still want to go. I get out of bed and get dressed for the day. I walk downstairs and eat breakfast silently with Carmen. "You still going to the game with me tonight?" I ask.

"I don't want to be a bother," she mumbles and I sigh.

"Carm you know that I want you to go," I say.

"Are you sure?" asks Carmen.

"Of course," I say and she finishes her cereal and walks out of the kitchen. I shake my head and finish my oatmeal before putting our dishes in the sink and walking outside to the car where Carmen is waiting. I get in and so does she. I start the engine and head for the elementary school. After a short drive, I pull into the drop off zone like always and put the car into park.

"I will go," says Carmen.

"Actually. No, we need to talk," I say as she reaches for the handle.

"What about?" asks Carmen in a tired voice.

"About your attitude. You have been really disrespectful toward mom and I lately. I won't have it. Change your behavior or you will not be going," I say and she gapes at me.

"Are you serious right now?" asks Carmen.

"Dead serious," I say and she frowns.

"Fine," says Carmen and she gets out of the car and walks to her group of friends. I put the car into the gear and move out of the way for the other parents that are trying to drop off their children. I drive to the high school and park quickly. I needed to walk around. I can't believe Carmen is acting this way, she is always so easy going and charming. I lock the car and walk inside to my locker. I grab my things for College Government and College English before walking to Cole's locker. He is leaning against the wall eating a granola bar and reading our English text.


"Morning," I say and stand next to him.

"Hey cutie, how's it going?" asks Cole without lifting his eyes from the book.

"Sucky. Carmen and I are fighting still," I say and he scrunches his eyebrows together.

"Still?" he asks.

"Yes. Still," I say.

"What is up with her? Have you talked to her?" asks Cole.

"I tried but she just gives me sass," I say.

"Wonder where she learned that," teases Cole and he taps my nose.

"Ha ha. Very funny," I say and smiles.

"Relax Charlie. I am sure things will ease over with time," he says and I shrug.

"That's what I thought but it's been a week," I say.

"A week isn't that long. It will be okay," says Cole and he finally puts his book away. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest.

"I hate this," I say.

"You are such a good sister. Charlie, it will be okay. Just don't think about it for a while," says Cole and he wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my forehead.

"We better get to class," I say and he nods.

"I will see you soon. Remember to relax," says Cole and he winks at me before walking to his first period class. I walk to College Government feeling a little better after seeing Cole. I take my usual seat and wait for class to start.

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