Chapter 3

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El’s POV

I stirred in my bed, I wanted to continue sleeping for at least another 3 hours but the light shining brightly through my window, shined right on my face and that wouldn’t allow me to get even 15 more minutes of sleep. I sighed annoyed, finally opening my eyes but right when I did so, I was welcomed by my father who was standing silently in my room, staring at me. I jumped.

“What the hell Dad? You scared me” I whispered in a sleepy voice. Rubbing my eyes.

“Get dressed kiddo, we are going out to have breakfast, then I’m just going to show you around Hawkins.” Dad told me and I nodded my head.

“Okay, now get out so I can wake up a little more and get ready” I said, tossing my pillow at him but he dodged it. Dad chuckled and left the room.

“Hurry!” I could hear my dad say from the living room. I sighed but a smile graced my lips when I remembered yesterday. Maybe this is my excuse to see Mike again. But what if Dad embarrasses me? I thought to myself, eyes widening. Whatever, I won’t worry about that now. I unpacked some of my clothes, quickly choosing an outfit. A pale pink shirt, some blue jeans and combat boots, is what I decided on. I put on a jean jacket and put my hair in a high pony tail before grabbing my phone and meeting my dad who had already turned on the car and was waiting Inside his truck. I hopped in the car and my dad smiled at me, driving off to a diner. I ordered orange juice and two eggo waffles with hash browns. Dad ordered a big meal, a giant omelette, sausage, bacon, ham and hash browns. We enjoyed our breakfast, talking and laughing, we mainly talked about my first year of high school and how I’m starting that here in Hawkins. Dad also told me stories about his time here as a kid and in his teen years. He had a lot of funny stories and they were all with people who were now adults and with kids just like him. Almost all of them were still living here in Hawkins. After breakfast, we headed out and decided to go to some stores. We headed into some clothing stores and I bought some cute outfits and dresses. We stopped by the house to drop off the bags before we went off to the park. Dad and I ran around in this grass playing games and having fun, when we got tired we both sat on the swings in a comfortable silence, swinging in the air. It felt nice and peaceful to just feel the cool wind on my face as I watched the sun set. Dad was sitting on the swing next to me smoking and he looked happy. He looked at home here. I looked down at my watch, checking the time, it was 5:35. I wonder if Dad would drop me off at the library for a while .

“Dad?” I asked quietly and he looked over at me

“Yeah, kiddo?” He asked

“Do you think you could drop me off at the library for a while?” I asked quietly and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Why?” He asked curiously

“Just because, I like it there” I shrugged but he didn’t buy that response.

“It’s not because you want to see that Wheeler kid is it?” Dad asked

“No, no” I said shaking my head but I think I answered way to quickly and not very convincingly.

“I just…. I just…… just take me Dad, please?” I asked, I tried finding an excuse but that didn’t work, I really couldn’t think of one besides the fact that I just want to see Mike.

“Fine, since you said please” He told me and I sighed in relief.

“Just be careful okay?” Dad said softly

“I always am but it’s just a library, I’ll be fine” I laughed

“No, not like that” Dad laughed

“I mean be careful with your heart” I stared at him and looked down at my lap.

“Don’t worry about it Dad, stop being so serious” I told him shoving his arm, causing his swing to move and he laughed.

Library Crush {Mileven}Where stories live. Discover now